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Turkey Recalls Ambassador From Tel Aviv; Israel: “Erdogan Is Siding With Hamas”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry on Shabbos announced that it is recalling its ambassador from Tel Aviv due to Israel’s “attacks against civilians in Gaza and its refusal to accept a ceasefire.”

The statement also decried “the unfolding humanitarian tragedy in Gaza and Israel’s refusal to allow “an ongoing and undisturbed flow of humanitarian aid” to Gaza.

Not surprisingly, the statement did not mention Hamas.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Motzei Shabbos responded to the announcement by slamming Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for “siding with Hamas.”

“The Turkish government’s decision to recall its ambassador while the State of Israel is in the midst of a war of self-defense imposed on it by a terrorist organization worse than ISIS is another step by the Turkish president that sides with the Hamas terrorist organization,” the Foreign Ministry’s statement said.

“Hamas terrorists brutally massacred over 1400 people and kidnapped 240 to Gaza, among them babies, children, women and the elderly.”

“Furthermore, Hamas terrorists use the population of Gaza as human shields and is preventing them from moving to safe areas, while stealing fuel, food and drinking water from them. Hamas commits war crimes and crimes against humanity, and is the real enemy of the Palestinian people.”

Prior to the war, Erdogan was in the process of repairing ties with Israel after years of frayed relations and in September, even met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in the first meeting of the two leaders, on the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly in New York.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Turkey should be booted out of NATO. Turkey’s leader Eardogman is a terrorist and should be hung from a crane or a high tree for all to see.

  2. Israel is fighting the civosed world’s was against not just the savages of Hamas but the rise of radical Islam the world over. Do those woke leftists who are spewing out hate against the Jews realise that in the Hamas fear ruled paradise of Gaza there are no liberals. Homosexuality is punishable by death, the preferred method being to throw the offender off the top of a high building, to the delight if the Hamas enablers, the so called innocent citizens of Gaza in woke language. Make no mistake about it, all those who enable terrosisn are as guilty as the actual terrorists. The doctors who allow the terrorists to use their hospitals as missile launching pads, the Red Cross ambulance drivers who transport the terrorists, the UN workers who knew their premises were used as missile storage silos, the teachers who deliberately misled their pupils, yes all these enablers are just as guilty as the savages who raped young girl and women, gouged out innocents eyes, murdered children in front of their parents and siblings, murdered parents in front of their children, set people on fire until they burnt to death, put babies in ovens then turned the oven on to fry them to death. The list is endless. Western world, these savages and radical Islamists are being encouraged by you, their next victims. The Islamists make no sectrey of it either. They say that Islam must rule the world and the heathens must all submit to the will of the head butcher the prophet, or be butchered. They are consistent and determined. Now is the time to stand firm. It is us or them. And by the way those of you in same gender relationships will feel the heat first, so enjoy cuddling up with your partner supporting Hamas, because before long all you will have to decide is which of you watches the other being pulled apart limb by limb. Make no mistake about it, that will be your fate. Go to Israel, the land of the terrible Jews, use your computer with it’s Israeli made Intel parts, take your regular Jewish company delevoped life saving drugs, and ask any of the Arabs living in Israel who have escaped Islam how they live a free life in the Jewish country.

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