Very concerned reader

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    I am a huge fan of YWN. In fact, I’d say that it is just about the only place where I go to get my news. That is why I have been very bothered by recent titles of news articles, in particular the one about Rashida Tlaib (yemach shema).
    Just to emphasize, I am in agreement with just about every other yid that her actions have been disgraceful and appalling. In my opinion (emphasis on “opinion”), she has showed herself to be a true Sonei Yisroel.

    That being said, I feel like with titles like “SHE LOVES DEAD JEWS: Rashida Tlaib Refuses To Condemn Hamas Chopping Off Babies Heads”, YWN might be losing its credibly.
    I feel like the “SHE LOVES DEAD JEWS” line could have been left out, and perhaps people would have been able to to come to that conclusion by themselves.
    I understand that it YWN might be using this line as clickbait, but thats what worries me.
    This disgusting story about Rep Tlaib deserves to be on the front of every news headline, but when YWN runs the story with a subjective title it can take away from the actual facts of what happened. It makes it seems like on opinion piece.


    Every news article in every publication are opinion pieces.


    @ujm: Today that’s true. But I’m old enough to remember when newspapers were proud of their neutral stance. That was in the days before Nixon, before the Internet, and before influencers.


    with all that is going on, even thinking of tlaib is ridiculous,
    concentrate on helping israel, not worrying about a machashefa yenta

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