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think it’s all about our mindset. I once heard an explanation for why we say al chet for things that were done b’ones. If it was an ones, why do we need forgiveness? The answer was, that sometimes, we do a mitzvah because we have to, and don’t always appreciate it – and when given the chance to not have to keep it, we jump at it. For example, let’s say someone doesn’t enjoy having to eat in the sukkah. If it rains, he might be happy that now he can eat inside his house. That joy is what we need forgiveness for.
So how do we keep our simchas Yom Tov now? I think we need the proper mindset regarding the mitzvah. Yes, we want to eat in the sukkah, and it should pain us to have to eat inside. But remember that our avodah is to follow the halachos – and in this case, the halachah says to eat inside. This is a halachah that we don’t always get to keep. So we should follow the halchah with joy! Not because we don’t want to eat in the sukkah, but because by eating inside, we are fulfilling Hashem’s will!