Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead

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  • #2230585

    QUOTE 1:

    “American and Israeli Jews are not much different on matters of relative income, class, religion, national origin, or political leanings. The singular distinction between them is that when the chips are down, Israelis are prepared to fight those who would annihilate them; from all indications, their American cousins are prepared to be annihilated.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 2, page 14) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 2:

    “Were we all well-known boxers, or karate champions, or at the very least feared as being the kind of crazy Jew who fights back, we would have fewer problems.
    It is our very helplessness that energizes those who would attack us.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 7, page 83) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 3:

    “Schoolyard bullying is part of school life, and no matter the target,
    he or she is always picked on for the same reason: perceived weakness.

    When this perception is shared by others in the peer group,
    we are looking not at a one-on-one situation, but a situation of all-against-one.

    Thus, the most efficient way of preventing the latter is to forestall the former.
    A Jewish child’s best defense against group violence is going on the offensive against at least one member of the group. How? By learning to fight, early and well.

    Anti-Semites of any age do not mess with the Wrong Jew, the one who is capable of inflicting pain and humiliation on his would-be assailants.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 9, page 96) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 4:

    “All fifty [50] states permit keeping firearms at home. Even the City of New York, probably the least permissive firearms jurisdiction in America, permits the ownership of loaded long rifles and shotguns, and a twelve-gauge shotgun with an eighteen-inch barrel is not only suitable for home protection, but specifically designed for it.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 10, page 107) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 5:
    …unlike concealable pistols, long guns require no license.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 10, page 112) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 6:

    “The irony here is that Israel, in its monkey-see, monkey-do emulation of all that is wrong (and right) with American culture, has over the past twenty years worked diligently to limit and even prohibit private ownership of firearms.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 10, page 109) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840


    And who, pray tell, is this great philosopher, that we must all follow his directives?


    @funnybone, a washed-up fiction writer, his ramblings is worth about the same a Vietnamese Dong [absolutely nothing]

    catch yourself

    Hesh Kastin is obviously a terribly misguided person who apparently has no confidence in the מנהיג הבירה.

    לא זו דרך התורה.


    QUOTE 7:

    In the USA in 1930s & 1940s, anti-Jewish organizations had tens of thousands of members, and held public rallies and public marches with Nazi flags.

    Respectable and rich Jewish establishment organizations and the respectable and rich Jews who led those organizations did NOTHING to stop anti-Semitism in the USA in 1930s & 1940s.

    The ONLY Jews who attacked the American Nazis and broke-up their rallies were Jewish criminals, like Meyer Lansky in NYC and Mickey Cohen in Los Angeles, and bums who had nothing to lose.

    NOTE: This is not an exact quote, it is a condensed summary.

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 13, pages 136 to 139) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 8:

    “…anti-Semitic mutterings have now transmogrified into a political theme promulgated by the so-called Progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

    The members of The Squad see themselves as the vanguard of change for the Democrats.
    For those familiar with the insidious pronouncements of the UK Labor Party, The Squad’s modus operandi are eerily familiar, and over time threaten to be very effective:

    (1) Associate Jews with the alleged sins of Israel;
    (2) Claim Jews have no god but wealth;
    (3) Confirms the first and deny you meant anything negative on the second, or that it was taken out of context, or something you hadn’t intended for which you apologize if anyone was offended; (4) Increasingly, don’t even bother with either evasion.

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (chapter 149, page 14) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 9:

    According to Canadian parliamentarian and Jewish leader Irwin Cotler:

    “The Holocaust did not begin with guns; it began with words.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead (end of chapter 3, bottom of page 45) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021 in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    Gedol Hador

    A direct quote from the Wikipedia entry about Hesh Kestin: “He escaped being of the victims of the 1985 Rome and Vienna airport attacks carried out by the Palestine Liberation Organization in which 19 passengers and were killed (along with 4 terrorists), because he had been out drinking the night before and had failed to wake up in time to get to the airport.”

    Says it all, really.
    (Actually, why doesn’t he suggest drinking all night, every night as a way to avoid being attacked by terrorists…?)


    “the respectable and rich Jews who led those organizations did NOTHING to stop anti-Semitism in the USA in 1930s & 1940s.”
    This is not true. It was a Jewish judge who called in Lansky & told him to use violence to go after these American Nazis. He told Lansky that he arranged with the police that as long as they didn’t kill anyone they would not be arrested for assault.


    The maamin doesn’t follow these ideas or beliefs. The maamin knows that the Holocaust was a gezeirah min hashomayim, not a secular result of antisemitism. The maamin does the necessary hishtadlus & then focuses on his spiritual growth to be worthy of protection. Now is a time for teshuva & maasim tovim. Unless you’re part of the armed forces fighting in Gaza, your main focus should be about increasing the zechusim of klal yisroel. The lowest & most despicable life form is the human being that has turned himself into a cruel barbarian, all in the name of “Allah” or any other false utopia.
    This life form uses his intelligence to take every resource available to man as a tool to destroy others. The Hitlerite & juhaddist share these same selfish drives of Amaleik. May the snakes head be crushed soon.

    Avi K

    The maamin knows that we are obligated to do hushtadlut. Chazal call looking for a miracle where we can do this troubling Hashem.


    If his role models include Meyer Lansky, well . . . .


    Square Root: Why don’t you quote from the Torah, or from Gedolai Yisroel?
    These quotes aren’t worth the pixels they’re printed on.


    QUOTE 10:

    With a framed photo of [Henry] Ford on the wall behind him,
    Hitler told a Detroit News reporter in 1931,
    two years before he became German chancellor,
    “I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration.”

    According to Thomas Weber’s Becoming Hitler:
    The Making of a Nazi, “Henry Ford is important
    for having provided to Hitler confirmation,
    coming from the heart of America,
    of an idea that had been brewing in his mind…
    The idea that Jews’ control of global finance
    was behind the world’s problems…
    Henry Ford thus turned into an anti-Semitic icon for Hitler.”
    Which is why [Henry] Ford is the only American named in Mein Kampf.

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 4, page 49) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    QUOTE 11:

    “Japan is virtually Judenrein, but it manages to include Jews
    – second only to Koreans – in its demonology.
    And the Japanese really despise Koreans.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter: Introduction, page xv) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840


    Quote 1:
    Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture. I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked. Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind.

    Allen Ginsberg


    Quote 2:

    “The weight of the world is love.
    Under the burden of solitude,
    under the burden of dissatisfaction
    the weight,the weight we carry is love.

    Allen Ginsburg


    The way to defeat Hamas is by taking over the tunnels which can be done by using EMP bombs which will fry the electronics in the tunnel without hurt humans. Once the electronics are eliminated the IDF can easily take over the tunnel network. Hamas terrorist and kidnap victims are probably down there also. So this is the easiest way to eliminate Hamas.

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