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WATCH: Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L Asked About Bringing Seminary Girls Home During Wartime

The Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L was once asked by a man if he should bring his daughter home from a seminary in Yerushalyim due to a war.

Watch the video below to see his response

NOTE: YWN is in no way suggesting parents what to do, we are simply publishing an interesting video for our readership.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. KEEP IN MIND SEMINARIES DID NOT COST 25-30 k ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION THEN. And the world was more black and white learning and working not cushie comfie going to bergdorf with mom when they came home etc includes other examples

  2. That was a different situation. Posting this video now is irresponsible. It’s easy to sit here in NY and tell people to not even entertain the thought of leaving Yerushalyaim.

  3. Why the heck are you bringing up this video from 25 years ago, is it relevant at all to the situation now?.

    The sad fact is, that since the first intifada 20 years ago, Israel has become the most dangerous place for Jews in the world.
    Thousands of civilians men women and children have been slaughtered on the streets and homes in our homeland in the last 20 years,
    A Jew wAlking the streets even in Russia Poland or Hungary is a hundred times more safe than in our God given Eretz Yisroel.
    A Jew driving in his own capital of Jerusalem, if he by mistake makes one bad turn and ends up in the eastern part of the city, is not guaranteed with his life, where else in the world do you have this untenable situation?..

    Who is to blame for all this? we all know the answer, it’s non other than the treasonous feckless murderous governments (whether right or left wing or religious) who refuse to do what is necessary to protect its citizens and their country.

    Israel the only country in the world, who’s 20% of its population equaling to almost three million are murderous two legged poisonous snakes, who cannot wait for the opportunity to slaughter every man woman and child.
    If someone would bring into his home poisonous killer snakes and let’s them roam freely, and one morning wakes up to find his family devoured and gone, who would you blame the snake or the criminally insane murderous owner, of course we know the answer,.
    The same answer is in our situation, the real culprit and responsible for all this is a Jewish government ( including some religious and even with spodiks and shtreimlech) who refuse to do the one and ONLY thing than can make our God given land safe and secure, and we all know (even the leftists) what it is.
    As long as Israel will allow murderous Muslim two legged snakes to roam our cities and towns, Jewish blood will be flowing in our streets and homes.
    No normal country anywhere in the world would tolerate this obscenity.

    In the meantime no normal parent should even think of sending their precious children to Yeshiva or seminary

  4. The Rebbe is simply repeating what the Torah says, Eretz Yisrael is the safest place on earth. If you don’t like that you like don’t like the Torah.

  5. Berish, I could not know what Israelis think when people leave, but I have a notion as to what they should think. They might say to themselves that a government’s primary purpose — above all — is to effectuate the safety of its populace. Yet we have elected government after government that, instead of eliminating threats, has left Israel at risk of attack at every moment. These successive governments have allowed terrorist organizations to gain footholds, grow, and thrive to the west in Gaza, in the north in Lebanon, and in the east in Judea and Samaria. Now, with strategic territorial control around Israel, huge numbers in terms of manpower and weapons, and a significant regional power standing behind them, they have become increasingly emboldened. In sum, Israelis might conclude that they need to elect a government that will finally recognize that wars, whether hot or cold, need to be won, decisively.

  6. Comparing apples and oranges.
    There’s a major aspects that are different from back then (and even including the first Iraq war where scud missles fell, which I also remember a smilar psak):
    1. We didn’t have an actual terrorist govt state within EY that was allowed to build a mass arsenal.
    2. We’re talking of sometimes of barrages of thousands of daily rockets that would overwelm any I.dome deffence battery sys. vs 39 that fell from Iraq during the entire period.
    3. There was a lot more internal unity then. Sure there were big political fights then but nothing like the leftist anarchy protests & sinas chinam we see today.

    In any war, you also have to consider the wasted time of running for cover/shelter (vs time in class) and the psychological toll on a young impressionable mind.

  7. Whatever the Rebbe says is true and everlasting, and also Torah says that Eretz yisroel is the safest place in the world. so for those that were asking that’s what this video has to do with now

  8. FatJew and Cher, stop telling lies. The Torah DOES NOT SAY that “Eretz yisroel is the safest place in the world”. Claiming that it says so is a WICKED LIE and makes you an apikores. The reason it makes you an apikores is that the statement itself is obviously not true; there have been many times in our history when Eretz Yisroel was the MOST DANGEROUS place. So by claiming that the Torah says otherwise you are saying that the Torah is false, chas veshalom. So stop lying and stop blaspheming.

    In 1967, 1973, and 1991 the Lubavitcher Rebbe knew with his ruach hakodesh that Eretz Yisroel was safe, and he told people so. At this time we don’t have him to tell us whether that’s true again. Maybe it is, but maybe it isn’t. Maybe we are in the days of Chizkiyahu, when we could go to sleep and trust that Hashem would protect us (though even then, the rest of Eretz Yehuda was decidedly NOT safe, and fell to the enemy!); or maybe, chas veshalom, we’re in the time of Tzidkiyahu, or of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai, or of Bar Kochva, when anyone who could flee from Yerusholayim should have fled. We will only know after the event.

    Unless you know of someone with equal ruach hakodesh, who is telling people the same thing now; if so, let us know who. But a prophecy from 33 years ago will not cut it.

  9. Yalkut Shimoine- before moshiach there will be a big war and everyone will panic and hashem will say “My children, have no fear. Whatever I have done, I have done only for your sake. Why are you afraid? Have no fear: the time for your redemption has arrived!”

  10. @Fanatic
    Only because we weren’t discussing the traitor in chief, that demented Alzheimer diseased rabies infected DemonRat pretending he is President.LOL
    Hope you had a nice yom tov

  11. Rebetzen Goldenpick, The person began his question that his daughter is in Israel and the Rebbi responded asking where she is -meaning-where in Israel she is. Only after he heard that she is in Yerushalayim he went on saying that she shouldn’t leave. Here you go- He Is referring to Yirushalayim only.

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