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UJCARE Delivers 5,312 New Voter Registration Forms to NYC Board of Elections

UJCARE.jpgOn Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 10:00 AM, representatives of UJCARE will gather at the NYC Board of Elections, 32 Broadway in Manhattan, and deliver 5312 new voter registration forms.

The significance of this number and this public presentation is particularly noteworthy after a New York Times article, published on Friday, August 8th, quoted a New York political consultant, saying that “the Satmar Hasidim represent 3,000 to 4,000 votes in a Democratic primary”.

While voter turnout historically has been poor in the Hasidic communities, UJCARE, a new community advocacy organization, began a major registration drive just a few weeks ago, which has already resulted in registering twice as many new voters as the average turnout of previous elections, and has exceeded the estimate of Satmar’s total voting power.

“The kind of enthusiasm that I have seen from the younger generation to get out the vote, has not been seen in the last 20 years”, said Rabbi Leib Glanz, a community leader for the past 35 years in the Williamsburg community.  “Candidates and elected officials will be surprised at the number of voters come election time”.

Howard Katz, Executive Director of UJCARE, added “They [the younger generation] are the driving force behind this registration campaign.  They realize, maybe for the first time, that they hold their future in their hands.  Their vote counts.  Their vote makes a difference”.

The registration drive is far from over.  UJCARE has a goal of registering as many as 15,000 new voters by the end of its voter registration campaign.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Kol Hakovod UJCARE workers. We must unite and show them that we are a community that should be answered when we request things that we need.

  2. It’s a beautiful amount for such a young organization, the reason they or so picked up is because the people who or in top of this org. like rabbi Leib Glantz etc. they or askunim with a gold history of mesires nefesh for another yid 24 hr. even if he don’t know him, ד’ עמכם גבורי חיל

  3. to clarifie this registrations forms are from all over brooklyn & wher sign up by other communities .members of uj care wher standing at the shomrai shabos shul in boro park & other shuls and registering all bp not just satmar.
    the main thing if you realy want to help the klal is that we should all work possitive and not bash others who to for the klal .

  4. This is REAL askunas !!! these UJcare guy’s are the real thing !!! If you want the have a listening ear with the politician’s you gotta have a mandate, KO L’CHAI UJcare !!

  5. to 4: UJ Care is a social service organization witch is funded like 4 month’s ago by many askunim with a rich history of real askunis l’toives hatziber and for any yuchid, in such a short while they deliver so much and they work so hard to bring the max help for אחב”י , they also working together with many organizations and agency’s from grater New York, the director is Howard Katz who have a history of 18 years by met council (till 1998), and the well know askon rabbi Leib Glantz – an askon for more than 35 years 24/7 in Wmsbg., rabbi Shulem Yosef Harshkowitz, Gershy Schlesinger, the well know Moshe Indig, and much more, כל דבר שהוא לש”ש סופה להתקיים

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