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A Promise of Protection for Yom Kippur

As we approach Yom Kippur, we take stock of the past year and hope that our merits will stand by us in judgment. It’s a time of year for reflection, repentance, and the acceptance of kabbalos for the year to come, to serve Hashem and spread kedusha in this world.

Here at Merkaz L’Taharas Ha’Mishpacha, we are also taking stock of our accomplishments and setting forth our goals for the coming year: to continue doing everything in our power to spread taharah across Eretz Yisroel. 

A Promise of Protection
Donate to support the work of Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha and gain priceless merit for Yom Kippur! Rav Shimon Galai shlit”a will daven on your behalf on Erev Yom Kippur at the tziyun of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, and Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlit”a has promised special protection to one who donates to support taharas ha’mishpacha, saying, “A person who comes before the Beis Din Shel Maalah with a ticket stating ‘I built a mikvah,’ no evil can befall him!”

Taharas Ha’Mishpacha is one of the cornerstones of Am Yisroel, one that has a profound effect on all future generations. Yet, so many communities in Eretz Yisroel are lacking a proper mikvah. So many existing mikvaos require renovation and repairs. And so many Jewish families lack the resources and guidance to fully embrace the mitzvah of taharas ha’mishpacha.

Thanks to your support, in the last year we’ve had:

  • 13 new mikvaos built and renovated

  • 728 mikvaos inspected and certified

  • 1,078 repairs to ensure kashrus 

  • 1,874 maintenance repairs performed

  • 913 rabbinic inspections completed

  • 23,764 halachic hotline queries answered

  • 31 additional mikvaos underway  

There is so much more work that we can accomplish in the coming year. With your continued support, we can:

  • Complete construction on 31 mikvaos currently in progress

  • Fund inspection and critical repairs for 100’s of mikvaos 

  • Expand our halachic hotline to assist thousands of additional families 

Help us bring taharah to every community in Eretz Yisroel with dignified, beautiful mikvaos as befits the mitzvah of taharas ha’mishpacha.

Your zechus when you participate in spreading this mitzvah is twofold, as in your merit, the next generation is brought into this world in purity and holiness, and generations to come benefit from the mikvaos established and maintained throughout Eretz Yisroel.

Together, we can strengthen the kedusha of Klal Yisroel for generations to come. 
Please consider supporting Merkaz L’Taharas Ha’Mishpacha today.

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