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TRAGEDY IN MONSEY: Sudden Petira Of Reb Hershy Gross Z”L In Eretz Yisroel

Tragedy has struck the Monsey community with the heartbreaking Petira of Reb Hershy Gross Z”L on Wednesday morning, two days after collapsing in Ben-Gurion Airport upon his arrival in the country.

The niftar, Reb Avraham Tzvi (Hershey), z’l, 39, had traveled to Israel with his wife to spend the Yamim Noraim in their apartment in Jerusalem. They had arrived at the airport on Monday and were standing in line to rent a car when he collapsed and lost consciousness.

Hatzalah and MDA paramedics rushed to the scene and carried out resuscitation techniques, continuing them as they evacuated him in an ECMO mobile intensive care unit to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital near Tel Aviv.

Sadly, despite the best efforts of the medical staff, his death was pronounced on Wednesday morning.

He leaves behind his wife and four yesomim, family members, and friends, all shocked and mourning his tragic and sudden passing.

The Levaya is scheduled for Thursday.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. This Yid was a Tzadik. He davened with us and his Shver Reb Avrohom Grunblatt here at Scheiner’s Shul. There was never a moment that he didn’t have a smile on his face. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

  2. @doom777 The Gemara (Moed Katan 28a) deals with the qualifications of #diedsuddenly or Meis Pisom ay”sh.

    Of course this was before the age of blind stupidity were people willingly injected a genetic instructions to produce spike toxin and all the other “peckele” inside that vial.

    No matter what, Hashem is kol yachol and decides it all on Friday night and finalizes on Monday
    …including any stupid notions that a person may take leading to his demise.

  3. To jpa –

    The alternative – maybe even more likely – version of reality is that it was Covid itself that caused these problems. Research is ongoing.

    **There absolutely may be information that I don’t have. And I’m open to other conclusions.**

    But as far as I have read, since the onset of the pandemic there has clearly been a roughly 30% increase in heart related death for people under the age of 45, which is absolutely horrifying.

    What is not at all clear is if all those people were vaccinated. The increase seems to coincide with the spread of Covid infections, not the spread of the vaccine.

    But that is just what I’ve read.

  4. @brachavehatzlochata

    Your 1st point is at least patially correct. The Spike toxin be it generated from infection or injection is very toxic to the cardiovascular system. My colleagues treating long C19 & vax injured would seem disagree with you that c19 is more damaging than the jabs.

    ** there is a lot of information on various independent Medical journals/servers. The reason you do not have it is because a lot of it is being suppressed**

    You’re totally wrong 2nd point timeline. The rise in sudden (non-hospitalized) deaths which stats show it began late Q2 2021 over 14mo. after the pandemic and shortly after mass inoculation. However, to both our 1st point, by then, there were many more reinfected leading to more spikeopathy assault.

    Bottom line: spike poisoning is bad either way you slice it. Treat the infection with the detox protocols out there and don’t assault your body with more of these spike generating injections.
    L’Yeshuascha kivisi Hashem!

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