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Bloomberg Endorses Daniel Squadron For State Senate

Mayor Michel R. Bloomberg today endorsed Daniel Squadron in the Democratic Primary for the 25th Senate District in Manhattan and Brooklyn, citing Daniel’s record in public service and his plans to bring overdue change to Albany.

“We’ll never get reform in Albany if we don’t send reformers there, and Daniel Squadron’s independent voice is exactly what New York City needs in our State Capitol,” Mayor Bloomberg said. “As Mayor, I have made turning around the City’s schools and investing in our infrastructure among my top priorities because it’s hopeless to build for our future without either. By helping move hundreds of millions of dollars out of our school bureaucracies and into City classrooms, and by helping us raise nearly three billion dollars for transit infrastructure, Daniel Squadron’s record getting things done for New Yorkers is already more impressive than many lifelong legislators.  Daniel Squadron is independent, hard-working, and smart — three things I always look for when I go into the voting booth.  I am proud to endorse Daniel Squadron for State Senate, and strongly encourage Democrats in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn to vote for him in September.”

“Mayor Bloomberg and I share a belief in taking on big challenges and fighting for what we believe is right — and we both know that there is no bigger challenge than reforming Albany nor any fight that could be more right,” said Squadron.   “I am honored that the mayor is supporting this race for reform and results.  I continue to believe that with hard work, independence, and a progressive vision, our state legislature has incredible potential to deliver real results for our neighborhoods, our city and our state.”

This is the third major endorsement Squadron has received in the last two days, joining Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh and ACORN, who endorsed Squadron on Monday.

Daniel Squadron has spent his life in New York and his career in public service: as a top aide to U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, and co-author with Senator Schumer, of Positively American: Winning Back the Middle Class Majority One Family at a Time; as Communications Director on the campaign to pass the Transportation Bond Act and provide hundreds of millions of dollars for our subways and buses; and working for our public school system to move money from the bureaucracy to the classroom.

As State Senator, Squadron has vowed to fight every day to change a culture in Albany – on both sides of the aisle – that too often elevates self-preservation over bold solutions; he will be a strong advocate for an overhaul of our campaign finance system, rules reform that creates a functioning legislature, non-partisan redistricting, and reasonable term limits so elective office is no longer a lifetime entitlement.

Squadron has also been endorsed by Senator Chuck Schumer.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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