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IN WAKE OF STORM: Netanyahu Clarifies His Statement About Hakadosh Baruch Hu

In the wake of widespread criticism by religious politicians regarding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s statement on Sunday that “Hakadosh Baruch Hu has not always protected us,” sources close to him clarified his statement on Monday.

“Netanyahu said in his comments yesterday that one shouldn’t rely on a neis and even cited the commandment וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּם מְאֹד לְנַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם,” sources close to Netanyahu said. “His entire intention was to appeal to Breslover chassidim to internalize the danger and take appropriate precautions so they can return safely.”

During the Cabinet meeting on Sunday, Netanyahu warned Israelis about traveling to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, saying: “Israeli citizens who are traveling to Ukraine need to act responsibly regarding their trips at this time. Hakadosh Baruch Hu has not always protected us, not in Europe nor Ukraine. It must be understood that in the State of Israel, when missiles fall on us, citizens enter shelters and there is protection. There, there are no shelters and no protection.”

Jerusalem Minister Meir Porush slammed Netanyahu’s statement, saying: “Even during the days of Lapid and Bennett, there were no statements of this kind, and all the more so in an official announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office. We strongly condemn the statement and hope that he will clarify his words.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

28 Responses

  1. Any normal person knew that was what he meant. I think this was blown way out of proportion. And what some charadi MKs said was worse than the original statement

  2. These guys reacted stupidly! So the guy, sadly not a שומר תורה ומצוות yet, made his very, very valid and prudent point and expressed it like a non Shomer Torah would! Does that give them the free right to publicly embarrass him! Their actions were shameful to say the least! אהבת ישראל is first and foremost for any ירא שמים. They blew this opportunity to have privately redirected his heartfelt plea.

  3. He made a disgusting statement. If he intended that one may not place themselves in danger, so just say exactly that!

    Instead he said it in a disgusting way that brought out his hate for Hashem, even if intending otherwise. Feh!

    Thank you Eichler for your strong response regarding this travesty. We got your back!

  4. Haredi politicians are kissing up to the Breslevers for their votes.

    They could care less if any of them get killed by an incoming rocket רח”ל.

    Main thing is VOTES.

    (Same thing happened in Miron. They weren’t prepared for Lag B’omer but they pushed the event because they didn’t want to lose votes. We all unfortunately saw what happened.)

  5. I said it again and again and will say it now again as well.
    This prawn and pork-eating lobster of an animal has many times self-professed himself as a devout disciple of the koifer Jabotinsky Yemach Shemo.
    If it wouldn’t be funny it would be sad to see YWN bringing from “sources” that no he actually meant to give an elul musar drasha about being careful.
    SERIOUSLY we are not stupid like those that are stuck in the zionist Stockholm syndrome. We do have brains and we do tend to use them….

  6. Borruch Hashem he clarified. Now we can go back to whole heartedly supporting Netanyahu and embrace his right wing zionist ideology.without any qualms that perhaps we are polluting Torah true hashkafah

  7. Lol. These comments. “Unwaivering Emunah.”
    Poor people thinking that he cares a jack about Yidishkeit. He’s an atheist. He just got busted.

  8. Too bad his buddies are offended. We’re not. He finally said what he thinks.
    Poor Charidi Zionists. Bibi is Kofer before and after these words. His vision for a Zionist State is exactly as the founders stated.
    Go check it out if anyone cares what they wrote when “founding the Jewish State.” One may not even write it.
    He’s just following their beliefs which is atheism at its best.
    Poor Bibi. Poor religious Zionists. He played it so well and he was believed that he believes.
    But we all know that
    Atheism and Zionism are ONE.

  9. The history of Jews in Ukraine is written in blood. The Chmielmizky massacres occurred there (there is a statue of him in the center of Kiev and even a city named after him). Most of the pogroms were there. During the Russian Civil War, there were the Petlura massacres. And, of course, the collaboration with the Holocaust. Why go there, especially from israel? The greatest tzaddikim of all time are buried in Hebron. The Galil also has Tannaim, Amoraim, Ramabam, the Arizal.

  10. He’s kinda right. Although it has nothing to do with uman . But i also agrre dont rely on miracles as well . Furthermore When we sin the shechina of hashem leaves you . The bais hamikdosh was destroyed because he took of his protection.
    We are only protected when we do what hashem comands us to do.

  11. Five squirrels sitting in a tree
    The first one said what do you see
    The second one said a man with a gun
    The third one said we better run
    The fourth one said I’m not afraid
    The fifth one said let’s hide in the shade
    Then bang with the gun how did they run

  12. Half of devarim describes how if the Jews are undeserving- they will lose divine protection in an entire array of matters
    Therefore , why is Shas egotistically assuming they’ve earned that protection each and every circumstance ?
    Netanyahu stating the obvious and a concept that is perfectly in line with the Torah’s narrative/ teachings

  13. That time when the non frum prime minister learned correct pshat, and chareidi politicians opened their mouths and sounded like fools.

  14. Ditto to chareidi amiti. Shame on YWN as well. Since when is it kefira to believe that Hashem does not protect Jews who knowingly put their lives in danger? Are we living in an insane asylum?!

  15. The State of Israel is one big insane asylum and a police state. Anyone who lives in the State of Israel is knowingly putting their life in danger. There are terrorist attacks when Yidden are r”l killed. Why do Yidden live there?

  16. So the prime Minister is involved in saving jewish nefashos, each of them worth a world, trying to explain the situation to these misguided nefashos and he gets blamed for the language?! Why are these other people not standing in the airport stopping the planes instead!?

  17. “Netanyahu is a treif-fressing Mechallel Shabbos. Did anyone really think he wasn’t an apikorus too?”

    You left out “lying narcissist”. All of which is true. For a brief, fleeting moment, he spoke emes about mindless yidden who deliberately put themselves and others in danger assuming some mystical force in shamayim will be obligated to save them from their stupidity. Then, the real political world reemerged and the real Netanyahu had to apologize for speaking emes.

  18. Bibis first wife wasn’t even Jewish and he is known Freemason, why is anyone suprised that he thinks H’ is limited חלילה.

    He also hired Hananya Naftali, a known israeli xtian missionary as his social media adviser

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