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Ukraine Requests 100 Israeli Police Officers For Uman Rosh Hashanah

In recent developments, Israel’s Ambassador in Kyiv, Michael Brodsky, engaged in significant discussions with Ukraine’s Border Control leadership, as revealed by diplomatic sources reported to The Times of Israel.

Their exchange was notably positive, with Ukrainian officials affirming their dedication to ensuring a seamless entry for Jewish pilgrims gathering in Uman for Rosh Hashanah. Notably, they pledged to maintain border openness around the clock.

This crucial phone conversation followed a preceding dialogue between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to an official source, President Zelensky had requested the deployment of 100 Israeli police officers to Uman. While the exact number remains under consideration, Israeli police authorities are convening tomorrow to finalize the decision.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. We don’t want Jews to come to Uman in the middle of a war, but if you must show up, please bring along 100 of your best cops to arrest the drunks, druggies, and other rif raf who start fights with the locals, and otherwise disrupt. But most of all, bring your MONEY.

  2. Gadolhadorah you are a paid provocateur and we all know that, but you don’t even realize how dumb you sound. The front line in Ukraine is 400 MILES from Uman you idiot. Nowhere NEAR all the fighting. Did anything happen last year? No.

  3. It’s an Avera to Uman for R’H, war or not. The fact that they go in the middle of a war just proves that they don’t care about Halacha and put themselves and others in a Makom Sakana. What Rav has paskened that it is Mutar to go into a Makom Sakana? They are a cult that believes that a dead person will save them.
    What an embarrassment.

  4. Frumshlemeilda: As a “paid provocateur (with a W-2 from Provocation LLC) I must respond by noting that the Russians launching rockets landing everywhere in Ukraine (including some close to Uman) have not gotten the memo containing your astute observation about the “front line” in Ukraine being 400 miles from Uman. Also, we just read stories here on the YWN news site about the government of Ukraine asking yidden to STAY HOME. Obviously, since nothing happened last year, it is clear that nothing will happen THIS year.

  5. I will tell you a little secret:
    Nowadays the Russian soldiers are not as good as the ones from 10 years ago. Also in the beginning of the Ukraine war, Russia was using their best soldiers and most of them are dead now.
    The new soldiers were not trained properly.
    In other words, if Mr. Putin orders his army to bomb a city near by, as an example, Smila, Pervo Maisk, Bila Tserkva, Vinnytsia or Zhashkiv, who knows where the bombs will eventually fall.
    They are not targeting Uman, but when you give a child a loaded gun, I plan to run for my life.

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