Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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yankel berel

@ Menachem
I think that we need Mashiach now …. the REAL one .

“This is one thing we both agree on.”
Not at all sure we can agree on this one . For obvious reasons .
You have a so called ‘Nevua’ from the navi [which is included in the Shlosha Asar Minor Nevi’im] , regarding Biat HaMashiach.
. Whereas I do not .
For me [and 98% of Klal Yisrael] it still is the Trei Asar minor Nevi’im .
Which causes REAL DIFFERENCES re who the REAL MASHIACH could or could not be .
A real big issue ,
A big issue which is not going to disappear by good natured banter , nor by sidestepping this issue by referring to other points.
Hope this is not of the causes of the beginning of a real Schism in Klal Yisrael.
Thats the last thing we need now.
Question remains – Do we have 12 or 13 Minor Prophets ?
We have to hash it out and come to Klal Yisrael wide accepted Maskana.
A clear, level headed , unbiased , proof based discussion is urgently needed.