Commonsaychel and the sock puppet

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Commonsaychel and the sock puppet

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  • #2219796
    Rabbi Troll

    Here in this new and improved thread, we can all help accomplish the great and essential goal of our very distinguished YWN Coffee Maven, Commonsaychel, by trying our best to become true sock puppets, please consider supporting our efforts by contributing any comments that will help turn yourself and all of the internet’s online trolls into real live sock puppets. Thank you so much in advance!

    Rabbi Troll

    I have been extremely surprised and very disappointed by the lack of responses to this post. Our dear friend and prominent member of the greater YWN Coffee Room Community, known here by the mind blowing username commonsaychel, has started a crucial and critical campaign to help us all achieve the lofty goal and dream of becoming true citizens of the Sock Puppet Association. The lack of middos tovos revealed by everyone ignoring this askan as he goes about this selfless task and struggle is truly unpalatable.

    Rabbi Troll

    What’s a sock puppet anyway???

    Rabbi Troll

    Hey guys I’m just bringing this thread back up to the top of the page just in case anyone who hasn’t already seen it wants to reply

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