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  • #2219510

    I’m seeking a good photographer from the Brooklyn area who’s good for bar mitzvah and is not too expensive. Tia


    This is definitely a job for our very own in-house expert WolfishMusings. The Wolf is a major anav and will likely claim he’s not such an expert and/or he doesn’t do photography at events. But despite his great humility, and as a direct result of his absolute righteousness (something he’ll surely humbly deny), he most certainly will always be helpful to you and you can ask him to direct you in the right direction where to find a photographer shidduch for your simcha.

    Mazal Tov!


    The Wolf is a major anav and will likely claim he’s not such an expert and/or he doesn’t do photography at events

    Thank you for the kind words. However, I’m afraid that event photography is not my area of expertise. My photography specialties are landscape/cityscape and macro photography. Almost none of my photos have people in them. I would be a poor choice for this type of assignment, as my lighting (with regard to people) and posing skills are not good.

    The Wolf


    @wolf, what was the nicest landscape you ever photographed?

    Red Adair

    Yoel Hecht is a photographer we’d gladly recommend. We made a bar mitzva about 1-2 years ago that he was the photographer for and we were very happy with him. He’s a mentsch, a nice person and was easy to deal with. He wears many hats as he also did the music and even made some balloon animals for the little kids to play with. I don’t remember what he charged, but it was reasonable. Google “Yoel Hecht” and his website will come up.
    Mazel tov!


    I’m looking for a more Chassidish/Boro park style photographer. He doesn’t need to have a rekel during the job but someone with more chassidim clientele. And @Wolfishmusing and @Ujm I do not appreciate nor approve of you taking from my post and making jokes from it

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