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TRUE HASMADAH: A Bochur & His Shtender Versus The Black Bear

An inspiring photo recently went viral of a Chassidish bochur so immersed in learning Torah that he fails to even see a bear passing by.

The incident occurred a week ago in the early hours of the morning. The bochur in the photo, a Belzer bochur named Yehoshua Gantzfried, was standing on the porch of the Belzer Beis Shimon yeshivah in the Catskills and learning with great hasmadah.

Suddenly a black bear appeared on the grass in front of the porch and walked the full length of the yard but the bochur didn’t even notice it until it was already well past him.

One of the mechanchim who saw the video said: “The story which spread at the speed of light, at first among the bochurim, caused a great Kiddush Hashem among frum Jews, who can see palpably that in an area where most people would immediately notice an unwanted guest, a Jew who’s immersed in limmud Torah with hasmadah fails to notice it.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

28 Responses

  1. Obviously, he did see the bear, since towards the end of the video, he starts running across the porch back inside.

  2. Confused? Didn’t notice it because he was looking inside the book, but when he did he ran like lightning. Why is this a Kiddush Hashem again? Not that I blame him for running but seriously what are you guys on? Give me some

  3. Seriously, none of the above commenter understands that this boy was concentrating so well on his studies that he only noticed the bear at the last moment, probably because of some noise he heard? He then proceeds to put on his shoes and runs inside – the normal behavior expected from any human being in such circumstances.

    Reminds me of the story of the two buddies who took off their shoes and took a stroll in the forest. All of a sudden they sighted a bear. One of the two puts on his shoes before he starts running. The other one asked him what’s the point the bear will catch up with us anyway?! To which he replied: I’m not trying to outrun the bear, I’m just trying to outrun you!!

  4. “And that should inspire all of us, particularly the men, to stop wasting time on TYW”

    Agreed: There are so many more exciting and rewarding ways to waste time, including reading the most recent edition of “Chayalahs’s Mindless Musar for Men”

  5. Its good job this bochur wasn’t BEARfoot otherwise it would have taken him even longer to get away from the bear..

  6. Does this chassidish kehilah have a minhag to learn barefoot? (Maybe like kohanim doing the avodah?)

    Watching a video of a bochur learning is inspiring and beautiful, with or without the presence of the creature (who might be gilgul of someone that was once in yeshiva).

    Yehoshuah, the video would have been funnier if your name was Dov or Berel. One Berel learns while another berel plays.

  7. 1. there is garage all over the place no wonder why the bear was attracted to this place.
    2. from the look on the buchers face, he probably needed to change his pants and undies.

  8. you seriously want him to be better than dovid hamelech when he was disturbed by branch in middle of his learning in today “gen z” where people cant focus for 3 seconds??? and yes torah protects and hashem opened his eyes…but theres a mitzvah of vchai bahem…so yes he is NOT A CHOSID SHOTEH!!!

  9. regarding the fact that he took off his shoes…firstly thats not how he “learns” thats how he “relaxes”!!! secondly didnt moshe rabbeinu take off his shoes when he encountered hashem…?😃

  10. Great video. Love seeing reactions the first time someone sees a bear in the wild! That’s a cute cub too. Last spring there was a papa bear in our neighborhood in the 600lb range. If there’s trash scattered in the yard it’s likely because the bear got into the garbage and scattered it himself. Need to get the bear proof garbage cans.

  11. Great video. Love seeing reactions the first time someone sees a bear in the wild! That’s a cute cub too! Last spring there was a papa bear in our neighborhood in the 600lb range. If there’s trash scattered in the yard it’s likely because the bear got into the garbage and scattered it himself. Need to get the bear proof garbage cans.

  12. Please everyone stop trolling each other and just enjoy this beautiful video. If you enjoyed it- very good- and if not, there is no need to comment.

  13. For the record (I work at this place): This story happened on Tishu B’Uv morning – he was learning דברים המותרים and thats why he wasnt wearing regular shoes.
    Its a good lesson, u might have a huge קשיא, but sometimes the תירוץ is so simple…

  14. I am very proud of Chassidishe bachurim and their Hasmadah. They learn a lot of litvishe chakiros as well, not like years ago when it was mostly bekiyus. I sat next to a teenage Chasid on ElAl and fabrenged with him in many sugyas .The Roshei Yeshiva use technological means as well. Kol Hakavod to them.

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