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Leftist: “I Tried To Feed Chareidim Peanuts In The Bnei Brak Safari”

In recent days, secular protesters of the government have decided to purposely provoke Chareidim by boarding Chareidi bus lines, some dressed in scant attire.

One of the male protesters named Avishai Ivri posted a photo of such a “protest” in Bnei Brak on Twitter, writing: “Dear Diary: Today I left Tel Aviv to the Chareidi safari in a distant village called Bnei Brak. Oren the guide told us not to feed them but I couldn’t hold back and I tried to give peanuts to one of them. In response, he made a movement with his head of ‘no’ as if he understood Hebrew! In principle, it’s forbidden to take photos here but I sneaked one. I’m excited.”

Almost every response to his post was negative, with one person writing: “I don’t know why but the style reminds me of the Nazi murderers of my family. They also saw us as monkeys and animals and not as human beings and finally murdered us as animals of prey. I hope and pray that you don’t reach the lowly action of the Nazis and stop in time…”

Another social media user wrote: “I wish to all the Chareidi haters that you go abroad and experience anti-Semitism, hatred and spitting because you are Jews! The Holocaust taught you nothing!!”

Another person cynically wrote: “What about throwing money at them?”

Many simply wrote: “Antisemitism” or “Nazi Germany 2023.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. Nazis looked at them as animals, leftists libs look at them too.

    Nazis did retzicha, Zionist Libs choshud al retzicha as the brisker Rav said

  2. They are no different then the leftist, progressive, woke, liberals the world over. Pick any public issue Globel warning, fossil fuels, one time use plastic, Minuval rights, baby killings, animal rights, election interference The liberals not only push their agenda but in holier than thou attitude they cancel, boycott anyone that dares stand up to them everything is permitted for them as long as they get their way.

  3. Maybe it’s time for Charidim to start sticking up for themselves and start going to these leftist places and doing things to bother them like start spraying fish oil at them.


  5. two of the ugliest women in the world,,,,,,I guess being single for always will be just the cure….who would even desire one of these as a daughter in law or their parents for raising such a disaster,,,,,may these girls R O T

  6. It’s Holocaust denial to call this anything like what happened with the Nazi’s. Don’t you have any perspective? Why do you expect the non-Jews to respect the uniqueness of the Holocaust if you call a silly small thing by one person reminiscent of an entire country becoming fascist and facilitating a mass extermination? Jews also have to respect the Holocaust and exteme false equivalencies are a form of Holocaust denial.

  7. “by boarding Chareidi bus lines.” There’s no such thing as a Chareidi bus line. If it’s private then they can’t board. If it’s public then they have every right to sit where they want. You can say that what they are doing isn’t nice and respectful but please keep in mind that Chareidim do not own the buses and have no right or expectation that people conform with what they want. If you read this media it seems like these people went into Chareidi private property. They did not! Also, the people in the previous cases cl

  8. The people in the other stories cearly did not go to provoke. 15 year old girls are different than 45 year old activists. If you paint everyone in one brush your contributing to a skew in perception

  9. Those women should spend a weekend in Gaza or Iran. They can discover first hand how women, LGBTQ, and non-Muslims are treated.

  10. Why the need to increase internal hate. Isn’t there enough of Jews of all and any stripe out there? Why can’t Jews just love Jews and put the different views forward? We’re all Jews!

  11. ENOUGH of the “Pintele Yid” talk; Tinok Shenishba and all the rest of it. The Brisker Rav z’l said that the opposite of Sinas Chinam is Sinah that is not chinam. There are times when we are obligated to hate and these two deserve our hate; not our love. If they don’t wake up they will reap a bitter harvest in the next world.

  12. danny boy,

    The slavish defense of your woke coreligionists is revolting. You claim that it’s inappropriate for a frum father to politely ask a woman if she can relocate so that a friend could sit next to his son. Yet when these animals treat frum Jews in such a bestial manner, your milktoast response is, “You can say that what they are doing isn’t nice and respectful”.

    The Holocaust is a most fitting comparison, especially in your case. You would have gladly volunteered to cram Jews into gas chambers and crematoria, then donated the extra crust of bread it earned you to the Nazi war effort. May your vile, lengthy posts soon earn you the same reward that your fellow kapo pigs eventually received.

  13. To Gadol Hadofi:
    I agree with a good portion of your comment.
    The last line of your comment-I disagree with.
    You are exaggerating. Dan the- does not deserve to be in the same category as the Kapo animals.

  14. I wonder how these girls will feel as unmarrieds No children or family for reckless behavior to exhort to their friends. Shameful.


    please stop spreading lies. accusing people you don’t like or don’t agree with you of being nazis is wrong. and making up stories to go along with it, just makes it worse. STOP.

  16. The tziyoinim are no better than the misyavnim. They’re machshich einei yisroel. Look what Zionism has done to am yisroel. Disgusting

  17. Let them wear whatever they want. Who would look at these creatures? Israel won’t beat the Arabs until it beats the left!

  18. I guest they’re desperate to have marry someone. Since their looks will make the average guy vomit, they think they might have a chance in the frum world but they don’t realize that אסור לאדם לקדש אישה עד שיראנה @ enough said

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