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Hotel Owner Says Will Sue Anarchists Who Left Negative Reviews

Avi Yochanan, the owner of the Panda Resort which hosted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife for a vacation this week, said that he plans on suing the protesters that left negative reviews about his hotel and lowered his Google ratings.

In an interview with Reshet Bet, Yochanan said “We had a very high rating of 4.9 and they took us down to 4.4. We’ve had a lot of 5/5 ratings over the years so it’s hard to lower it too much. Red lines are being crossed and people no longer see what’s good or bad or right or wrong. It won’t kill us but there’s a need for limits. Anyone who wasn’t a guest at the hotel and submitted a rating – we will unequivocally sue him.”

Regarding Netanyahu’s visit, Yochanan said that he was “excited, it was a great honor for me that he came. They are human beings like everyone else – they wanted to go on vacation and they have the right to go on vacation. It’s a quiet and peaceful place and it’s nice that they vacationed in Israel.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Please send me contact information for this hotel:- Now I am changing my original bookings, and want to spend my time in Israel at this hotel, to patronize them, and spite the wicked evil “in-denial” leftists

  2. Bibi has been declared an “enemy of the people” who needs to be cancelled, and as such it was totally improper for the hotel to rent a room to him and his wife. Unlike democracies with freedom of expression, the upper class in Israel tend to be radical left-wingers (formerly socialists and communists, but those movement went to the dustbin of history, much to the consternation of the Israeli elites) who know the necessity of cancelling undesirables holding “wrong” beliefs.

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