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“HE CAN’T WIN”: Fox Legal Analyst Says Trump Will Get “Drubbed” In 2024

In a compelling article penned for National Review, Andrew McCarthy, a contributing editor at the publication and a legal analyst for Fox News, has emerged as a staunch critic of Donald Trump’s potential bid for the presidency in 2024. McCarthy has boldly stated that “Trump Can’t Win,” insisting that the former president faces insurmountable obstacles in securing another term in the White House.

McCarthy’s skepticism about Trump’s chances stems from his belief that the controversial figure offers no redeeming qualities and has already alienated a significant portion of the electorate.

“The problem for Trump is he has no upside,” McCarthy opined. “He is as known a quantity as has ever sought the presidency. In a normal race, the 46 percent of Republicans who do not favor Trump could be expected to rally behind him in the general election if he is the nominee. That is not true of Trump.”

McCarthy pointed out that to stand a chance at winning in 2024, Trump would have to bridge the gap and gain support from those who have reservations about his leadership. However, McCarthy questioned where that support could realistically come from, especially given Trump’s persistently high unfavorability rating with the general public, which hovers around 60 percent.

In contrast to the Republican landscape, McCarthy believes that Democrats are likely to throw their full support behind a potential Joe Biden re-election bid, emphasizing that their priority lies in retaining the presidency rather than focusing on the incumbent’s character flaws. McCarthy did admit that Biden’s nomination was not guaranteed, but he remains confident that the Democrats would not face the same level of internal resistance as the Republicans in backing their chosen candidate.

Closing his stark assessment, McCarthy cautioned Republicans against being swayed by current polling data, which he believes primarily reflects the public’s discontent with Biden’s administration. Instead, he urged the party to take a longer-term perspective and assess the political chessboard a year from now.

“I simply don’t see how Trump gets to 42 percent of the electorate,” McCarthy concluded. “The country has already made up its mind about him. From here, there’s no up, only down. If we nominate him, he’s going to get drubbed.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Trump has a secret weapon. He’s running against Biden.

    Of course that could change. Biden could drop out. A credible third party could emerge. But with Biden to run against, Trump has a very good chance of being the lesser evil.

  2. To all the pro Biden jerks .. the country is going to hell and your money is going down the toilet as long as the dems are in full power of everything. Gas prices are rising again. Food prices at an all time high and it’s only going to get worse.

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