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בָּכוֹ תִבְכֶּה בַּלַּיְלָה: Thousands Gather At Kosel To Mark 1955 Years Since Churban Bais Hamikdash

4 Responses

  1. Wow! The singing of אם אשכחך was soooo beautiful, sooooo warm, sooooooo emotional. Yep, the way it was always done. In Zanz Belz Ropshitz Gur Kozhnitz Varsha Krackow Vilna Minsk Kelm Frankfurt Budapest Sighet etc. etc.
    Welcome to 2023 where you do what feeeeeeeels good. What gives you a high.
    After all if it’s THE “Minhag” by weddings it should certainly be THE Minhag for Tisha B’av.

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