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Extremists Or Thieves? “Masked Men” Vandalize Cell Phone Store On Bar Ilan, Steal Phones

Two young men broke into a cell phone store on Monday on Rechov Bar Ilan in Jerusalem, vandalizing it and stealing valuable cell phones.

They caused extensive damage to the store by spraying “skunk spray” on merchandise, the computer, and the customer service desk.

The man who sprayed the skunk spray was wearing quasi-Chassidish garb. Unusually and unlike previous incidents, the other man, who did not appear to be Chareidi, stole valuable cell phones.

“They operate in a very orderly manner,” the owner of a chain of cell phone stores in Jerusalem told B’Chadrei Chareidim. “They [extremists] go from area to area and harass the store owners and try to make them submit to their demands. It started in Geula, moved to Yechezkel, and now they’re focusing on the Bar Ilan Street area, mainly against a certain chain of stores.”

The owner of the store on Bar Ilan said that a forensic investigator came to the store but wouldn’t enter it due to the stench of the skunk spray. “There’s still a stench that will probably remain for weeks even though we re-painted the entire store,” he said. “We’re talking about damages of tens of thousands of shekels, two wasted business days, and a lot of merchandise that had to be thrown out.”

“I’m sure they were sent by the extremists,” he added. “Someone prepares the material for them and pays them a lot of money to carry it out.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Who are the “extremists” and what are the “extreme” about? Just about everyone in EY these days is some sort of “extremist” on some issues. Also which Chassidus in now wearing hoodies rather than Streimlach? Even the guy in “quasi-Chassidish” lvush doesn’t seem to be frum fashionista.

  2. Something is missing from this story. I think the missing part would explain that there is a meshugana fraction of Charedim who think Hashem does not want Jews to use cellphones.

    Anybody else want to guess?

  3. Without condoning open thievery, it just irks me and leaves me to wonder how these disgusting low lifes ruining and being metameh Jewish neshamot b’davka are not the ones branded ‘extremists’ and other epithets.
    It’s about time people wake up and stand up for the Torah and not every story which is against it but can be portrayed in a twisted way to express the diametric opposite.

  4. people take a video and create a story in order to be able to talk against a part of klal yisroel……….. these are not frum, they are both not frum and were hired by someone else who is also not frum who hired them to this, over a dispute over money the have had for almost 2 years…………. nothing to do with extremists, stop looking for every opportunity to label part of klal yisroel as extremists

  5. Hey pure your using the internet too
    These are losers and thrives and should be sent away for a long time. And as for their
    Leaders Even longer

  6. Seriously??? Are people actually accepting the false narrative that the guy in the $10 Hasid costume was actually a “Jewish extremist?” When I lived in Har Nof there was a wave of robberies involving Arabs who wore fake “Haredi” disguise and robbed homes. This was so obviously plain robbery by non Hasidim and their very simple cover of pretending to be Hasidic extremists apparently fools even the viewer. The hat, jacket and military boots are a hodgepodge costume. I hope the police are more suspicious than the viewers here

  7. Hakatan: completely unjewish way. In Judaism, it is a mitzva deoraita to judge, it is a mitzvah that is constantly reminded of during the time of the prophets.

  8. Sometimes you need to do “improper” things to stand up for Torah. All Yidden needed to walk into the Yam Suf but only Nachshon acted first. I admit (it’s passed the statute of limitations) that when I was younger I broke into a car dealership with a hammer & broke windows & mirrors, put dents in the hood, etc.
    I did this because when 2 men drive in a car for 10 minutes what do they talk about? Nothing of importance. But when 2 men travel by horse & wagons it takes much longer so inevitably they will discuss Torah.

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