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Menachem Shmei

>>>if someone finds he “can’t” keep Shabbos anymore he is by defenition not frum. But if he “can’t” eat cholov yisroel that is not the case.

Firstly, I’d like to point out that this is not necessarily a great example, because chalav yisroel is not just a minhag or chumra rather a chiyuv derabanan.
Just because there is a rov who made a heter, that doesn’t necessarilly make it any less of an issur d’rabanan for communities that never accepted the heter.

>>>When we start mixing up minhagim with chiyuvei krissus it gets a bit mishkebabal and we lose focus on what’s a frum Jew and what is not.

There is some truth in what you’re saying, but I would counter it:
When people start weighing what we do and saying “this isn’t so important, its just a minhag. We can drop it” this also causes one to lose focus of what is a frum yid.
Being frum isn’t just obeying deoraysos or derabanans, but a way of life. This is the idea of minhagim. And minhagim that are enshrined in Jewish life are vital to Jewish survival, מנהג ישראל תורה היא.
A Judaism that picks and chooses the mitzvos that they feel are more important and puts less focus on minhagim (the true concept of modern orthodox) fizzels out after a generation or two, ch”v.

(Sorry for going off topic from the thread)