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Home Center Discount for Arab Customers

When Eli Chai arrived at the Renanim Mall in Ra’anana, he was surprised as he was checking out that he noticed the cash register on many items asked if the cashier wished to offer a “minority discount” and she instructed the computer to charge full price.

After an exchange of words, the cashier admitted to Eli that the nationwide chain offers a 10% discount to Arab clientele. Eli learned that certain items are discounted for Arab shoppers.

When asked to clarify store policy following the report, Home Center officials stated that the chain store does indeed offer special discounts targeting different sectors of the community during different seasons of the year.

Chevron residents Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gavir did not waste anytime, turning to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to launch an investigation due to the discriminatory practices of the store.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Search the world and try to find one Arab store that gives a discount to Jewish shoppers.
    I wonder why Eli Chai needed to give a discount to anyone. The way to rectify it is to give a discount to Majority shoppers.

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