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Hospitals May Be To Blame For NYC Measles Cases

measA New York City health official says medical facilities may be partly to blame for a rare outbreak of measles.

There have been 20 confirmed cases of measles in the city during the past several weeks.

Deputy Health Commissioner Dr. Jay Varma tells The New York Times that investigators are looking into whether some patients were exposed to the virus in hospitals or doctors’ offices.

Varma said there were measles patients who were not quarantined as quickly as they should have been.

He did not identify any medical facilities that may have been at fault.

The Times said NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center alerted staffers by email last week that hundreds of patients could have been exposed to measles.

The hospital said it’s contacting the patients as a precaution.


3 Responses

  1. As parents, it is our duty to protect our children at all costs, and yet how many of us know what the recommended vaccinations contain? Parents need to research more thoroughly the ingredients included in the vaccinations with which they are planning to have their child vaccinated and the possible effects that these ingredients may have on their child’s health.
    Autism, for the majority of children, is for life and it can affect every aspect of their development. Surely, we owe it to our children to at least be fully aware of the possible dangers of vaccinations, before subjecting our children to as many as 39 vaccines between the ages of zero to six which are known to be loaded with aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and many other potentially lethal ingredients.

  2. Step Aside is promoting junk science that endangers our children. The idea that the MMR vaccine is associated with autism was based on fraudulent data. Millions of dollars were spent to try to replicate the results, and not a single study found that the MMR vaccine resulted in higher rates of autism. In fact, one study found that it was associated with LOWER rates of autism because it prevented congenital rubella!

    Mercury has been removed from most vaccines even though study after study has shown no effect from the tiny amounts of mercury in the vaccines. This is no surprise, as a mercury-based anticeptics were commonly used for decades in the US and elsewhere with no apparent effects.

    Aluminum is one of the least toxic chemicals in existence. Good thing, because it is one of the most common elements on the surface of the earth; your child probably gets far more exposure from simply getting dirty while playing.

    Vaccines are extensively tested and researchers are constantly working to make them safer. For example, a safer but less effective form of the pertussis and polio vaccines are now used in the US because we though that the diseases were under control — which they were before the anti-vaccine promoters of junk science got going.

    And there is something else here that should cause chills to any religious person: We have parents in our communities who would run the risk of their child contracting a potentially fatal disease with no treatment because they are afraid of having an autistic child even though the risk would have been tiny had the original data not been fraudulent. Essentially, they are saying that they prefer a dead child to an autistic child, chas v’shalom! What does this say about our values that we accept such?

    Our parents and grandparents would have given up their lives to stop these diseases from affecting their children. Our great grandparents must be turning over in their graves.

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