Reply To: Summer camps

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As long as camp is the subject- here is a thought to ponder.I never understood how parents who keep a watchful chinuch eye on their children all year, hand them over to a 19 year old to be the mechanech for 2 months. Does the director really know if the counselor is 100% mentally stable? And even if he is, I know I have invested a lot in knowing how to speak in a way that builds a child etc. and ways to nurture in a positive way his yiddishkeit. Why would I want that to be absent 1/6 of the year or possibly even be destructive. That everyone is doing it and it all seems to work out- usually, is not a sufficient answer when dealing with our most important investment.
I can specifically remember a horrifying experience that occurred with the OD and my bunk when the OD was ensuring we were going to sleep. That was 40+ years ago and the generation has worsened in a way that such an incident is not hard to imagine happening these days.
Any thoughts?