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Miki Goldwasser Pained by Olmert’s Actions

Miki Goldwasser, the mother of IDF soldier Ehud HY”D explains she is pained by the lack of government action towards securing the release of Gilad Shalit.

“Good-will, why? The grave of my son is still fresh, still without a tombstone, the pain is horrible. Despite it all, I am thinking of Aviva Shalit, how she must hear of more good-will gestures, more humanitarian policies while her son is held in a cave somewhere. Does Olmert see the face of Aviva? I hope that Olmert will realize there can be no more gestures.

“There must be something in return for the good-will and if Abu Mazen cannot give us Gilad, then no more gestures. Mr. Olmert, first of all Gilad, then good-will.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


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