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VIDEO: The Purim Shpiel That Went A Little Too Far



The attached video is causing quite a stir. Many in the Chabad and Yeshiva University (YU) communities are expressing outrage over it. While many claim this “Purim Shpiel” to be an innocent act with no malicious undertone, others are claiming this went too far.

One person emailed YWN and wrote: “Mocking a faction of an institution or a Rabbi who gave permission to be mocked is one thing, mocking two Torah giants is something else. Torah leaders are not meant to be mocked.”

The video which is posted on YouTube already has some comments posted. One person called it “Inappropriate”, another said “This crossed the line of funny to Inappropriate”, some said “disgraceful”, while another even said “Typical YU shtus”.

In one email received by YWN, the writer identified himself as a Talmid of Rav JB Soloveitchik, and called on the people behind the video to apologize.

“Purim does not mean people can mock Gedolim. Maybe these two YU students should find out how the Rav conducted himself on Purim”, he wrote.

(YWN World Headquarters- NYC)

30 Responses

  1. All of the Roshei Yeshiva were present at the Purim Shpiel and not one walked out or said anything about this shameful video. Many Roshei Yeshiva laughed! This video represents that lack of respect for Chabad in YU and the even more surprising lack of respect for the Rav. There must be a public apology!

  2. Yanky55 shoots and scores. Any point other than being sensationalist? is probably available

  3. Not only is it funny it is also very clever! Maybe if our kids would have such clean fun to watch purim night they wouldn’t feel the need to embarrass themselves at peoples houses being stoned drunk while they collect for their limo oops I mean yeshivah.

  4. This seems very cute to me. If the Rav and the Rebbe were watching along with the yeshiva, I think that they too would have laughed, and enjoyed it.

  5. This was very funny, its all in the spirit of purim. If you don’t like it, move on to the next article.

    I happen to think this was fine and didn’t cross any lines.

    Why is this any different than say what some yeshivos do on purim, mocking the hanhala in their purim plays or with signs. I am sure all you “frum” posters on this article have all seen some purim jokes before and laughed at it, when without a doubt you knew then that a BIGGER line was crossed.

    Just relax and don’t lie that there wasn’t one line that didn’t make everyone smile even just a bit. If you did smile, laugh etc.., than you have no right knocking this video.

    This is no worse than nay other “viral yeshiva guy” videos out there.

    Again, just live life and I hope this is the worst thing anyone on here ever sees.

    Kol Tuv

  6. Classic bashing on YU because everyone knows that the yeshivish community would never ever ever do anything like this.

  7. Interesting….there was another video taken on Purim with a bunch of Jews in Brooklyn burning an Israeli flag. Dont worry YWN, no need to draw any attention to that. Jews can preach hate towards other Jews and it can go completely ignored, but Jews having fun on Purim in a harmless way (especially if they are from YU) should be made out to be the worst thing for Am Yisrael. I wonder what the Rebbe and the Rav would have said about that. They would probably be disgusted to find that the same people who are running to their defense (when one isn’t needed) are the same people who post such hate about other sects in Judaism

  8. hahaha this is great! we’re there any specific lines that people had objections to? I don’t get what was so bad..

  9. it is too bad it is such a lousy purim spiel.

    what should be known is that JB and the Rebbe were good friends. JB came several times to farbregens at 770. They knew each other from when they both learned in Berlin and the University there.

  10. Garlic, you are coming out to defend Rabbi Soloveitchik but you still have the Chutzpa to refer to him as JB, a title that was given to him by some crazy people that want to learn his Torah but have no respect to him as a person. Do you think he is your friend that you can just give a nick name like that to? Do you not realize who you are speaking about? You should be ashamed, don’t defend someone that you can’t show respect to and if you want to defend him refer to him in a respectful way.

  11. arb:
    Actually, many people, his friends included, called him “JB”; it was not “crazy people”, unless you mean to call his friends crazy.

  12. #14, that is ahavas yisrael, showing their sympathy with our brethren under Zionist oppression; that’s not ch”V baseless hatred. Why do Zionists always get this backwards?

    Incidentally, it seems that, in certain cases, Jews can indeed preach hatred towards other Jews: “misanecha Hashem esna…” wrote David HaMelech.

  13. YW Stop this nonsense, why can’t we have a news site that is not filled with this utter trash and nonsense, how could you post such filth. I am disgusted how low you have sunk.

  14. HaKatan: That is a gross lie. He was strongly against anyone calling Roshei Yeshivah by their initials, which was a growing custom in his time (it was how people would refer to academics and he said that Poskim should not be treated like that). No one who had any shred of respect for him ever called him “JB”.

  15. Do you guys realize that you are taking this video completely out of context? If you were at the shpiel you would have realized that it was making fun of the fact that YU canceled events but not class.

    Get the facts straight before spreading hate around

  16. What a compliment. As a Yeshiva University student, I appreciate the fact that the Jewish world holds us in such a high regard. Obviously the community feels that we as Yeshiva should be held to a higher standard.

  17. Bentheyid: They are held to such a low standard, as from history it has been shown not more can be expected. But this was a pretty big low.

  18. The Big One; I invite you to come to Yeshiva University to tour the Beit Medrash during morning seder, where there will be over 1000 men learning Torah. I am sure you hold Yeshiva University in such low regard only because you don’t know what we are about. I’m also quite confident that you will respond to this post by quoting all the of the negative things you’ve heard about YU in the past. Try to refrain from doing so. I have never judged your community for what they are and expect you to do the same for me.

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