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Baby Rivky Freidman is in Serious Danger of Succumbing to Throat Cancer




We all daven and hope for our children to reach their milestones

Rivky Freidman’s parents too, eagerly anticipated each of her milestones – delighting in all her firsts.

First gummy smile.

First delicious gurgle.

First pearly tooth.

In a couple of weeks, she’ll be one.

Their little girl is having her first birthday.

But instead of baking a big pink frosted cake, Rivky’s parents will be fighting for her life.

They never dreamt it would be this way. But tragically, it is.

A few weeks ago deadly cancer attacked little Rivky’s throat putting her life in serious jeopardy.

Now, it’s not a given that Rivky will get to her next first. Her first birthday.

The only way to save Rivkys life is an expensive operation in the USA.

An operation with the costly price tag of $120,000.

There is no price tag on life and Rivkys parents, determined to give their daughter her best chance, have already raised $40,000.

In addition to juggling a home full of kids and a sick baby in the hospital, they carry the heavy burden of fundraising for Rivkys life.

We beg you, our dear brothers, open your beautiful Yiddisher hearts and help us raise the remaining $80,000.

Help Rivky reach her first big milestone and many more milestones to come, healthy and whole.

And in this zechus may Hashem bless you with health, happiness and peace.


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