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Sechel, i don’t have keser shem tov available to me at the moment, but i looked at the tanya you cited…and of course, not even remotely close.

Perek 2 talks about the levels of neshomos of a generation… Doesn’t say that the misnagdim think that they’re ok the way they are.

Perek 29 does talk about “beinonim,” which are what we call tzadikim, who never sin, having to do teshuva all the time and constantly ignite the flames of their avodah, which no one’s arguing with. The tanya isn’t the first to say this; it’s all over chazal and rishonim, places that he himself quotes in that perek. He, again, does not accuse the misnagdim of being stagnant or thinking that they need to do teshuva.

I’d invest time to look at the keser shem tov, but so far in all of our conversations your sources have either been misrepresented or totally missing, so I’m not going to go out of my way just to refute another non existent source… if i happen to come across the sefer, i might look at it…tanya i looked at because i know the sefer and it’s in my living room, so it just took a few minutes of my time.

If you’re interested in making a “kiddush chabad,” you’re not doing a very good job. Defending these narratives you were taught, which are hateful and disrespectful to gedolei yisroel who were not chasidish, only exposes further the hypocrisy of “we love everyone,” that chabad so frequently says.