Reply To: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism

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Ilex: What you’re basically saying is that JTS was originally Modern Orthodox but later switched to Conservative. If that is true, that furthers my previous point regarding comparing MO Jews in JTS who went Conservative, to nowadays where MO Jews moved to Open Orthodox.

But the problem with your view is that the JTS itself was named after, and modeled on, the Reform/Conservative Jewish Theological Seminary of Germany led by Zecharias Frankel. The truth is that the Conservative movement in America was started jointly by the left-wing of the Orthodox movement together with the right-wing of the Reform movement. This explains how some of the same rabbis who founded the Orthodox Union (OU) also founded the JTS. Some of their fellow founding fathers in the JTS were Reform rabbis.

Indeed, in the early years of the Conservative movement there was a lot of cross-over, and often little differences, between Modern Orthodox and Conservative. Even as late as 1997 there were still seven OU Shuls that had no Mechitza.