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Still dreaming of getting your Semicha? This is your chance!

Still dreaming of getting your Semicha? This is your chance!

Semicha is a rite of passage that cements your place as a well-learned Jew. While your full-time learning days may be long gone, do you still dream of immersing yourself in Torah study and finally getting your Semicha? Lemaan Yilmedu gives you that chance with a year-long Semicha program designed to seamlessly fit in your life.

Semicha is often learned before a bochur gets married. Once he begins to build his home he inevitably becomes very occupied with securing a parnassah for his growing family. A dream he may have had of taking the time to sit down and learn the halachos that are so relevant in his life begins to seem like a far off fantasy. He can barely find the time to learn with a daily chavrusa, let alone join an extensive, time consuming Semicha program.

Now, thanks to Lemaan Yilmedu, Smicha is now an attainable goal for so many. The twice a week Shiurim are given live with a virtual option for those who live out of town and are unable to attend in person classes.

The classes are led by Rabbi Yossi Barber who, using his signature thorough and engaging teaching style, breaks down the most technical topics into bite sized pieces so that anyone can easily understand the material.

“This was the first time I really delved into the practical aspect of a Yid’s life by learning Shulchan Aruch and halacha really well.” says Mordechai Fadlon, a resident of Crown Heights. “It opened the door to a whole other area of learning that I otherwise would not have had. Additionally, the program is built to provide married men who lead very busy lives an opportunity to learn Torah in a comfortable and doable manner. The demands of the program and the times of the shiurim are all well thought out so that they do not infringe on a person’s work schedule and ability to provide a parnassah for his family.”

Each student receives a set of custom workbooks that contain translation and visual accompaniments to ensure that the one learning the material has a crystal clear understanding of the subject at hand. Every single class is recorded so that if any of the students miss a class, they have automatic access to all of the information to catch up, review and review again!

At the end of the year, each participant will receive a Smicha certificate signed by 6 of the most respected Rabbonim: Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, posek and author of Nitei Gavriel; Rabbi Dovid Schochet, Rav of the Chabad community and president of Agudas Ha’Rabbanim in Toronto; Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara D’asra and members of the Crown Heights Beis Din; Rabbi Dovid Refoel Banon, member of the Beis Din and Dayan in the Lubavitch community in Montreal; Rabbi Yochanan Gurary, Rav of Cholon and member of the Beis Din of Rabbanei Chabad in Eretz Yisrael, and Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander, Rabbi of the Chabad shul and community “Heichal Menachem” in Monsey.

If learning Smicha has always been something that you wanted to do but was always moved to the back burner, it just may be the perfect solution and your key to turning this dream into a reality.

Start date: 18 Elul, September 4

View curriculum, schedules, and sample material or register today at

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