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Zaka Leadership Turns Out in Support of Mofaz

Zaka leader Yehuda Meshi-Zahav was among the several hundred supporters on hand Tuesday evening when Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz officially announced his candidacy for the Kadima leadership race.

Meshi-Zahav explained that he knows Mofaz since he served as IDF chief of staff, and he feels that his comprehensive defense background accompanied by his other qualities make him the most qualified to lead the party and the nation.

Mofaz is also known for his attachment to Yiddishkeit and Jewish tradition, which goes along way among Zaka members, most of whom being affiliated with the chareidi community.

Zaka spokesman Motti Bukchin added that Mofaz “is a mover” who advanced Zaka’s agenda and he and others in the organization are grateful to him for his assistance, adding Mofaz’s experience make him the best candidate in the race.

Meshi-Zahav added that Mofaz is also capable of uniting the nation, which is important, pointing out that his address was a “Jewish one” which made reference to Yerushalayim, Tisha B’Av and other relevant issues. Therefore explains the Zaka leader, he intends to stand behind Mofaz in his effort to become the Kadima candidate for prime minister.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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