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Now Live! Help FTI Yeshiva Of Cherry Hill Raise $750k In 30 hours – 3x Matching!

Help FTI Yeshiva Of Cherry Hill Raise $750k In 30 hours – 3x Matching!

A bastion of Torah and Mussar in Cherry Hill, NJ – Raising the next generation of Talmidei chachamim and Marbetzei Torah.

From 12 PM on Wednesday, June 14th until 6 PM on Thursday, June 15th, our Yeshiva will Be’H be raising $750k to support Torah learning for an entire year. Please consider partnering with the Yeshiva to ensure that our Talmidim and our Yeshiva can continue to shteig and grow.

At FTI Yeshiva in Cherry Hill, we aren’t mechanech our talmidim based on innovation, creativity, or even current best practices necessarily. We instead harness the most powerful force of change that exists in the universe to do the heavy lifting, the force of the Torah itself.

When pure Torah on the deepest level one can comprehend is introduced to a young bachur, it quite literally ignites his mind, and inspires his heart, and thus the most profound, comprehensive, far-reaching effects imaginable occur within him.

Your generous donation directly enables this critical and glorious process, indeed the key to our nation’s survival through the millennia, to occur on a minute to minute basis in the halls of our Yeshiva.

Claim your eternal share in this mitzvah today!

Thank you and tizku l’Mitzvos!

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