SEE IT: Trump On Legal Charges: “In A Sick Way, I Sort Of Enjoy It”

Speaking at the North Carolina Republican Party’s convention in Greensboro, former President Donald Trump expressed his unusual enjoyment of the legal charges and investigations brought against him. He claimed that they “expose” the motives of his political adversaries. Trump addressed the recently unsealed federal indictment accusing him of mishandling classified documents, along with the various investigations launched against him since his election in 2016.

Accusing his opponents of launching multiple witch hunts to obstruct his movement and undermine the will of the American people, Trump stated, “The other side is downright crooked. They want to do anything they can to thwart the will of the American people. It’s called election interference. That’s what they’re doing now. And we’ve never seen it on a scale like this.”

Referring to the indictment containing 37 federal counts, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and false statements, Trump claimed that “5,000 prosecutors” were going after him. He also mentioned the impeachment proceedings against him and the findings of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. Durham’s report stated that there was insufficient justification for the FBI’s investigation and that the bureau and the Department of Justice failed to adhere strictly to the law.

Trump asserted, “We beat it all off, didn’t we? They put our country through hell, and they knew it was a lie the entire time.”

The former president argued that any future Republican president would face similar investigations and political attacks, but he claimed that they would crumble under pressure, unlike him. He stated, “That person will not be able to withstand the fire… It exposes them for what they are. And it’s also lifted the poll numbers to even higher legs.” Trump touted his high poll numbers as the front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary.

Trump also directed criticism at President Joe Biden, labeling him as “corrupt.” Earlier in the day, Trump accused Democrats of conducting a “political hit job” against him and alleged a double standard in the Biden administration’s approach to justice.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. The man lives on getting attention from other’s. He even enjoys the negative attention from being indited. There’s not much there other than his public persona.
    So much potential for good ruined because of bad middos. Let’s all take a lesson from this.

  2. I know since 2015 that the day would come in the future where trump articles on yeshiva would be empty of comments. I didn’t know when but I guess there just comes a time when screaming that Hilary should be locked up for bengazi just doesn’t fly anymore

  3. Now that he is completely caught doing what everyone knew he would and could do, as he said he can shoot on 5th Ave and he would not lose a vote from the uneducated and the yeshivaleit, the only thing I haven’t heard which I expect is the deepfake audio conspiracy. I expect you guys to say the fbi, of course the lame stream journalists and of course Biden, created a deep fake of trump saying he didn’t declassify. No?

  4. While Trump is clearly corrupt, so is Biden and so are all the liberals. The fact that only Trump has been singled out to be indicted shows that there is indeed a “dark government” truly running this country.

  5. Trump thrives from all this. The rebublicans are killing themselves by not sticking together. They stand no chance of winning the election, which is of dire importance. The only one who maybe maybe can win is Trump. He is the only one ahead of biden at least in some of the polls. In certain states by a big margin. Much more than last time around. Even the press is disgusted with biden and co.

  6. As Jim Jordan noted, the fatal flaw in the DOJ case is that none of these documents were “classified” because Trump had DECLASSIFIED them via Telepathy. Thus, Jordan argues, while it may not be wise, he can keep them piled on the toilet and show them to a Russian hooker or anyone else he desires.
    In simple terms, as Richard Nixon asserted in his famous interview with David Frost:
    “Well, when the president does it, that means by definition, that it is not illegal”.

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