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Boro Park Residents Want Answers in Letters to YWN

yw story logo.jpgIn the story first reported by YWN yesterday, in what was a 3 hour horrifying ordeal, a 14-year-old girl was abducted on Sunday night on 12th Avenue and 41st Street. YWN has spoken with a community activist who says that the NYPD is “working on the case”. Additionally, it should be noted, that the investigation is not conducted by the 66th Precinct, but by a unit called “Special Victims Unit”.

YWN has been receiving many emails from readers living in Boro Park regarding the incident. Posted below are excerpts of a few emails received by us.

(Original story can be found by clicking HERE)

Letter #1: Dear Yeshiva World News. I am horrified of the story which took place this past Sunday night in Boro Park just a few blocks from my home. Perhaps you can find out why residents needed to wait three days until YWN informed the community of this story, and not from the NYPD early Monday morning? I’m not sure how the system works, but shouldn’t the police commissioner or a police chief be giving a press conference with the details of the crime, and what’s being done about it?

Please try and find out.

Sarah K. (Boro Park)

Letter #2: Hi, why is there no sketch of this maniac who is probably sneaking around the streets of Boro park right now looking for his next victim? Shouldn’t Shomrim units be distributing the sketch? Hello? This crime happened four days ago? Is this not a rush? Is this less important than a sketch of a bank-robber? Where is our security? Do people realize that this is just one of many such crimes in Boro Park in the past few years?

Anonymous (Boro Park)

Letter #3: Attention YW Editor: I was questioning the integrity of your organization yesterday after reading about the 14 year old girl who was abducted and violated on Sunday night. My reason was that how could it be that no news agency was reporting it from Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon? I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the update from Dov Hikind (thank god for him being at the forefront), and seeing other news outlets carry the story. Can the community please get a good description of the perpetrator of this heinous crime?

Chaim Z (Boro Park)

YWN Editors Note: The editors of YWN have spoken to various sources in the NYPD, and although it’s highly sensitive information due to an ongoing investigation, it must be noted that the NYPD is trying their best in solving this crime.

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