Reply To: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach

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Dear Avira,

You wouldn’t find a good history of early chassidus without it.

I’m not one bit Chabad. Go to the oldest lakewooders and ask them. The next generation went to Carlebach. I don’t care if his lomdus was comparable to the Rogotchover or not. It’s not about his batting average. The question is, was he a real Talmid Chochom. And the answer is, yes as much as any other contemporary Rebbe in both niglah and nistar. This doesn’t mean he didn’t say unusual things. He was exciting and charismatic besides for being highly intelligent and well learned.

A bunch of known Rabbonim had to be explained relatively basic ideas by Rav Moshe. They wrote to him on some topic that they thought they knew better than Rav Moshe, but Rav Moshe showed them that they didn’t know it all. The Rebbe wasn’t on Rav Moshe’s level, but he knew what he was talking about. If you think Rav Moshe was a great ball masbir, I doubt you understand Dibros.

You could just go the route of the other poster with Zionism. That because he was Chabad it doesn’t count that he knew how to learn. But then you have to concede that you can never have a normal debate with Chabad.

You seem to think that the problem with these debates is because of Chabad being closed minded do anything that does not put the Rebbe in a perfect light. While that is true, you are being even worse. The only thing that you are bringing to the table is that anti Chabad could be just as closedminded. So end of debate. Chabad wins. Now we all have to suffer, because they will just keep on bringing it up again and again.