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More on destructive CAIR lobby

JNS, May.9.23:

Another gaping hole in the Islamist antisemitism con.
This is an organization with a decades-long record of antisemitism, including its executive director insinuating that Jews are pushing to advance policies “at the expense of American interests.”


NYPost, Apr.6.23:

How CUNY became America’s most anti-Semitic university

The “cleansing” of Jewish students and lecturers from German … the portal uses the CAIR-endorsed Jerusalem Declaration….
Abd Alla was a director at CAIR Minnesota, which pushed the BDS movement under her watch..
CUNY’s most powerful leaders have had documented ties or allegiances to the Hamas-connected Council on American-Islamic Relations.Google Maps.
Never mind that CAIR’s Minnesota chapter is so extreme that even CAIR national has distanced itself from it.
In doubling down and commending CAIR’s work, the chancellor also falsely denied Abd Alla’s connection to the BDS movement.
Overseen by Abd Alla, the portal uses the CAIR-endorsed Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism, which the nonpartisan nonprofit education organization StandWithUs has blasted as “deeply harmful,” “intended to cause confusion” and an attempt to “further the spread of antisemitism.”