Reply To: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church?

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“What irked me the most here was that this is a real Rav, and it is not within the guidelines of halachah to openly question him like this.”
Nonsense. Some of the founders of Conservative Judaism were no doubt “real ravs” at one point. Avi Weiss no doubt was ordained by a real yeshiva. When someone seems to be doing something outside of the halacha, you can and should question it no matter what their title is. In this case I happened to be wrong because I was uninformed of the halachah, not because it’s inherently wrong to ask questions.

“Halacha is not a factor in schisms. There is a system how to address lack of conformity.”
Halacha is THE factor is schisms. The difference between the Orthodoxy and other movements is that we actually follow the halachah. If Rabbi Mirvis got his heter from a Reform rabbi, it would be invalid because they don’t follow the halachah; there wouldn’t even be a discussion. Apparently that poster views Zionist rabbis as potentially invalid regarding psak halachah. I don’t agree, nor am I sure if that’s really what he meant.

Your consistency in talking about things like non-Orthodox sects in terms like “lack of conformity” or the halachah of not entering churches as “we just don’t do it” leads to serious questions that I will likely never outwardly ask.