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Rav Ze’ev Karov: We Must Have Rachmanus on Chareidi Rabbonim

yatedFollowing numerous verbal attacks against rabbonim affiliated with the dati leumi community, Hesder Yeshivot spokesman Rabbi Ze’ev Karov responds. Recent attacks were made by Yated Neeman against Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita, by Rabbi Bentzion Mutzafi against Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Shlita and by Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani Shlita against dati leumi rabbonim, who he called “dumb animals” who are “impure and contaminated”.

“There are some seeking an apology from these rabbis. There is no need to seek criminal action or wait for their apologies but we should have rachmanus on them” said Rav Karov. “No one speaks other than bringing forth from one’s heart so it would appear they are in a very low place as there they draw on their vocabulary and their expressions.”

Regarding Rav Mutzafi Rav Karov adds “Including those who seem to maintain a proximity to Amalek and that can know who is and is not a descendent. In other words, calling the kettle black”.

“I will daven to HKBH to enlighten them towards teshuvah. HKBH comes out of the lowest and darkest places where they area to enlightening them to become true Yiras shomayim”.

Rabbi Karov is the father of Aaron Karov, who was gravely wounded in Gaza fighting in 2009 just days following his chasenah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. How sad that our rabbanim have been compelled to speak out like this about any Jew, and even more so that it is the leaders of the “D”L” who are the reason for this.

  2. The Yated Ne’eman insult of Harav Druckman Shit”a was done by an idiot journalist. After this was run, a lot of Haredi rabbis have come out against this and have advised the Dati Leumi community not to judge them by the words of idiot journalists.

    But Haredim need to have some Hakarat Hatov for the Dati Leumi community. Without Habayit Hayehudi in the government, Lapid would have done a lot worse. Think of it as damage control. Naftali Bennet is making the best out of a bad situation.

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