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WATCH: The Moving Video That Devorah Paley Found Of Ushi & Yaakov, H’yd

Devorah Paley, the mother of Ushi and Yaakov, h’yd, who were killed in the Ramot terror attack, recently found a short video of her boys on her camera.

The video of Ushi, z’l, being mevateir [giving in] to his younger brother Yaakov, is quite apropos for the days of Sefiras HaOmer and Devorah publicized the video and an accompanying message.

Devorah wrote: “We don’t take a lot of pictures, we haven’t had a good camera in a while. I don’t even remember taking this…so uncharacteristic of me. And yet – we found this video, such a special memento!”

“I look at you, such sweet children – and thank Hashem for this gift – a real moment of Yiddishe nachas – and this is the moment Hakadosh Baruch chose to keep for us.”

“It could have looked different. Maybe both of you would have insisted on being first. Maybe I would have asked, as I did sometimes: ‘Ushi, be mevateir to Yaakov, he’s younger.’ “Maybe there would have been a fight, that also happened – and even then, you would have remained very loved children.”

“But here in the half-minute video, how much happiness and nachas you gave me – as a mother! And what an everlasting memento. From giving in – which is a value we tried to be mechaneich and also from you – Yaakov who’s still debating and Ushi, who was mevateir with a smile. A situation that proves you were good children!”

“Perhaps this video, with its precise timing of being discovered only now, during Sefiras HaOmer, leaves us a powerful message: “Our father loves us, He loves in every situation – even when we fight sometimes and don’t get along…it happens. But how much happiness and nachas we give Him when we’re mevateir to each other.”

“‘And so said Hakadosh Baruch Hu to Yisrael, My son, My beloved children. I don’t lack anything that I may ask of you and what do I ask of you…that you love one another, and you respect one another… (Tanna Davei Eliyahu).'”

“Hakadosh Baruch Hu wanted us to see these pictures, to immortalize these situations. This is how much He loves us! Halavei that we’re zochech to give Him nachas ruach.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. A hug from Hashem.
    Thank you for the inspiration.
    The ahava this will generate should be an aliya neshomos.

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