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Over The Next 40 Days Connect With 40 Tzaddikim Across The World

Are you or someone in your life waiting for a Yeshuah?

Ohel Sarala representatives will daven for your loved one at the kever of a different tzaddik every one of the 40 days during our  ‘Journey to Amuka’ Nishmas Initiative.

On Day 40 there will be a MEGA tefillah at the Kever of Rav Yonasan ben Uziel in Amuka with the participation of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel. 

But wait.

You can get even closer.

On your ‘Journey to Amuka’, you will receive an email with the name of the tzaddik and the timing our representatives will be at the kever- in real-time.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

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