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LIES, LIES, LIES: White House Press Sec Claims Border Crossings Down 90%

Is there anything she doesn’t lie about, deflect, or refer to someone else?

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made a doozy of a comment to reporters during a briefing Monday, claiming that “when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90 percent.”

90%! What an accomplishment. If only it were true.

“False,” Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin commented on a clip of the remark. “There was a window of time earlier this year where encounters with Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and Cubans did temporarily dip 90% after a policy change, but other countries, like China, shot up over 800%. Illegal crossings, including Venezuelans, back at peak highs now.”

And in direct contradiction to her half-brained and obviously false comment, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz reported on the same day that officers had apprehended 22,220 people, 806 pounds of methamphetamine, 283 pounds of marijuana, and 62 pounds of cocaine in just 72 hours.

But don’t worry; the White House says they’ve solved the border problem!

Meanwhile, on Tuesday Fox news’ Peter Doocy questioned KJP on her outrageous claim:

DOOCY: “You said yesterday that when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90%. Where did that number come from?”

JEAN-PIERRE: “If the dramatics could come down a little bit…”

DOOCY: “What’s dramatic about asking a question?”

JEAN-PIERRE: “I was speaking about the parolee program.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. This treasonous America hating witch, not only has the face of a rat, but also the morals and brains of a rabies infected one, exactly like her demented alzheimer diseased treasonous boss in the White House

  2. All lies, love the witch comment, I would classify differently , along the lines of something out of a horror movie or witch craft in the Dominican of America….a smile can only state that….’THEY , AMERICA IS TOIT’

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