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Porush: “We Demand A Draft Law: If Bibi Is Scared, He Can’t Be PM”

Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Meir Porush on Tuesday slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for his request to delay advancing a Chareidi draft law.

Israeli media reports on Sunday said that Netanyahu told Chareidi MKs that despite the coalition agreement to pass a Chareidi draft law, it’s currently not possible due to the widespread opposition against the government’s plan for judicial reform.

Porush told Kikar H’Shabbat: “Why did we sign an agreement? To not fulfill it? Not to fulfill the chinuch budget because there’s no money? But they told us that money won’t be considered. Now they’re saying there’s no draft law. So why you are signing an agreement with Netanyahu? Does a prime minister sign an agreement not to fulfill it? We’re insisting on it.”

“I don’t understand Netanyahu – to what extent does he want to look ridiculous? Regarding the chinuch budget – they swore to us. Netanyahu said before the elections, he said everything would be fine – suddenly he is prime minister and it doesn’t exist.”

“Why did I support establishing such a government – to hear the same excuses from the Finance Ministry officials that they used during the Bennett and Lapid era? Why did we go to elections?

“There is no such thing – it was in the coalition agreement. It was difficult – we worked on it for 48 days  – and I ask how is this happening?”

Kikar H’Shabbat: “Maybe because he knows you have no other option?” 

Porush: “Okay, fine, I don’t suggest that he rely on that, I don’t suggest that he rely on that.”

Regarding the Chareidi draft law, Porush added: “If we have to be scared [to advance a draft law], then Netanyahu should say that he can’t be prime minister because I can’t give you what you need – let him say that.”

“Why did he take 20 or so ministers for himself according to what he wanted, filled positions according to what he wanted? Dear Sir, you signed agreements? Why isn’t he fulfilling them?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I agree 100 per cent! Enough of those lies! You call Israel, a Jewish state when it’s convenient, and then you have a so called president who is going go church, looking so shallow and not giving a damn about the suffering of his people! Time to oust those useless puppets! Enough is enough!

  2. “Why did he take 20 or so ministers for himself according to what he wanted, filled positions according to what he wanted? Dear Sir, you signed agreements? Why isn’t he fulfilling them?”“

    Utj does have ministerial positions on orders from the gedolim, so why is he complaining?

  3. Yup….we want a law that requires everyone else to shoulder the burdens of national defense and service…..its too much of an inconvenience to have our young men perform ANY national service outside of a beis medrash. National service and sacrifice is for אנדערע

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