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Nom, are you saying that religious fervor is something admirable?
I’m surprised, because you seem to prefer being apathetic about religious issues, except for an apparent soft spot for neo chabad.
The bardichever said that goyim treat their churches with great respect and never talk during prayers, whereas yidden have a millennia struggle with such things, because the yatzer hora tells goyim to pray, and yidden to talk.
All of the flare and passion which comes easily, with just learning sichos, or singing, shows merely a religious fervor, not genuine avodas Hashem. Real passion for torah comes after the struggle of learning how to learn gemara, the sobering pain of failure, both in learning and in mitzvos… When the passion comes quick, it’s never a good sign
It’s just like fresh baalei teshuvah; the excitement isn’t forever and it’s superficial important, yes, but only as much as what it’s put into