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Israel’s Supreme Court Allows Terrorists’ Relatives Entry To Israel On Yom HaZikaron

Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday overruled the position of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and ordered that families of terrorists should be allowed to enter Israel on Yom HaZikaron to participate in a joint memorial service in Tel Aviv.

A controversial joint Israel-Palestinian memorial ceremony equating the victims of terror to the losses of Palestinians is held every year in Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv.

The ruling is contrary to the opinion of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who made a security-based decision not to approve the Palestinians’ entry this year due to the tense security situation and the fact that a general closure will be imposed on Palestinian areas over the day.

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara appealed to the Supreme Court on Friday against Gallant’s decision.

In response to the court’s ruling on Sunday, the Kohelet Forum stated: “The Defense Minister’s position was not heard today at the Supreme Court hearing regarding the entry of Palestinian families to the Yom HaZikaron ceremonies. The petitioners asked the court to compel the State of Israel to allow the entry of Palestinians despite the closure, despite the security situation, and despite the Defense Minister’s adamant opposition.”

“But, as we know, in Israel the Attorney-General decides what the State’s position is. She decided that entry must be allowed. This is how our theater of the absurd operates: a court hearing in the presence of only one side suffices. And people wonder why we need judicial reform?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Putting the country and its citizens at risk, and they wonder as to why the government needs to stop those internal enemies from destroying and endangering the country!

  2. These filthy leftist TREASONOUS murderous KAPO’S, calling themselves judges.
    Need to be vomited out by the Jewish people.
    The millions of citizens who voted for this government and it’s promise for judicial reform, must rise up and organize massive demonstrations by the millions, and force the government to keep their promise, to get rid of these filthy treasonous rats

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