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Residents Deeply Concerned About “Unprecedented” Planned Development, Ask for Community Support at Hearing

by YS Gold 

A hearing will be taking place at Community Board 12 tomorrow, Thursday evening, which concerned residents say “will determine the future of the Boro Park community in a number of ways.” 

At issue is the potential unprecedented rezoning of a property on a quiet residential street into an “R6A zoning” designation, and BoroPark24 spoke with concerned residents of the area to hear about their concerns and their efforts to alert the rest of the Boro Park community about this issue and what it could mean for them. 

“When you walk down the Avenues of Boro Park, you will notice a number of large complexes with dozens of apartments that have been developed in recent years,” explained one activist. “There is a reason that these have remained on the Avenues; because it has been understood that our quiet streets should remain tranquil places, reserved for 2-3 family dwellings that are relatively affordable,” he said.  

But a developer from outside Boro Park is now petitioning the city to grant R6A zoning for a property on 57th Street between 12th and 13th Avenues—which could see the property developed at an astounding nine stories (!)—a move that, should it be approved, would change the face of Boro Park forever. 

“This could come to any block in Boro Park if we don’t push back now,” said one concerned homeowner in the 57th Street area. “Not only would this completely destroy quality of life for residents of the area and leave them with inadequate parking, it would send property values skyrocketing, in a town that is already plagued by sky high prices. The developers of this property paid far above market value for it, and they will do the same anywhere they see a profit motive, leaving the rest of us unable to purchase homes,” he said. 

Residents explain that until now, property developers have been reasonable, taking into account the needs and concerns of neighborhoods that they were developing. “This proposal is a step into unchartered waters for Boro Park,” they say, “and we are up against the clock, because the developers are determined to get their rezoning before anyone can realize the implications for the community.”   

Residents of the area further cite the developers’ application for certain tax abatements which suggest that apartments will be rentals, with residents constantly coming in and out of the neighborhood, rather than being invested in the area.  

“But we cannot fight back on our own,” said one activist involved with this issue. “On Thursday evening, the developer will come and make his case in front of Community Board 12. There will be opposing voices as well—and we will make our case as best as we can. But without the presence of a concerned community, we are far less likely to be taken seriously—and we appeal to everyone to come and make their voice heard,” he said. “Quality of life in this community, and the future of Boro Park, depend on it.” 

The meeting will take place Thursday evening at 7:00 at CB12 5901 13th Avenue 3rd floor. The attendance of every single person in the community is crucial so their voice can be heard.

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