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Two Injured In Accident Involving Car That Stopped For Yom YaShoah Siren

Two people in their 70s were moderately injured in an accident that took place on Highway 1 near Hemed Interchange during the Yom YaShoah siren.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Raphael Poch said: “The accident involved two vehicles. According to eyewitnesses, one of the drivers, a new immigrant, stopped her car in the middle of the highway (and not in the emergency lane) in order to stand for the Yom YaShoah siren. After she came out of the car with her daughter, another car collided with their vehicle with force. Together with additional first responders, we provided initial treatment to a man and woman in their 70s who sustained moderate injuries.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Get ready for minute of silence next Tuesday יום-הזיכרון
    Do El Al flights & surgeons in mid-surgery also stop to observe minute of silence as this is so hallowed?

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