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For the First Time Ever Zichron Moshe is Short in Funding Over 150 Families Pesach Needs

Did you give Maos Chittin yet? Kupas Zichron Moshe is a volunteer-based organazation with zero administrative costs. You can be sure your donation will directly help these families in Yerushalayim.


Please help us provide for every family as we always have.


ZIchron Moshe Yerushlayim is full of talmidei chachamim, yarei shamayim and baalei chesed. However, many local chashuve yidden are living in extreme poverty. Stark poverty. The poverty cannot be described or fathomed with mere words. Frightening poverty. Starvation-level poverty. They are mothers and fathers who cannot provide basic food for their families. They live in situations that are past our imagination.

12 years ago, Rav Gamliel Rabinovich, Rav Moshe Elyashiv and Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik saw the need and stepped in to help his friends and neighbors. Our kupah was created and run by 
talmidei chachamim, a kupah backed by the gedolim and talmidei chachamim in the schunah and a kupah that provides for local talmidei chachamim with dignity and respect.

Kupas Zichron Moshe has since become a respected organization that has grown past natural bounds. Run under the auspices of Rav Gamliel Rabinovich, Rav Moshe Elyashiv and Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik, Kupas Zichron Moshe has continued to provide for the Yom tov needs for local choshuve families who cannot live on their own means, including many of almanos and yesomim.


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