Councilman Felder Dines with Chaveirim

fc.jpgBrooklyn, NY – Councilman Simcha Felder, candidate for New York State Senate in the 21st District, dined in a packed house at Dougie’s BBQ in Boro Park. Dozens of men from Chaveirim spent their evening with Councilman Felder discussing his accomplishments in the community and what more he would be able to do if he was in the State Senate. They also discussed the importance of registering to vote and the importance of voting in the Democratic Primary on September 9th, 2008. This will be a very close race and each vote will be extremely important.

“I am proud to have represented this community in the City Council and I need your help to continue to represent this community in the State Senate,” Felder said. “Together we can continue our fight in Albany to get the funding we deserve.”

(YWN – NYC Desk)

3 Responses

  1. Who should we vote for? Someone who is pro Mishgav Zachor? Someone who is Pro choice? Rachmana Litzlan! All these organizations are pushing everyone to register ( Which I agree with )but then they leave you hanging as to whom to vote for. Doesn’t make much sense to me!

  2. 2 points:1)All of a sudden all the iliterate heimeshes who know nothing about politics come out of the woodwork to vote ,where are u guys when the vote really counts?Ah the answer must be that he’s a demacrat ,in that case i hope that you enjoy leadership with obama good luck! 2)Frum people dont belong in politics, remember who went 1st in germany

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