Reply To: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach

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To the commenter who cited OU in 1996 that there was never a shita in Torah that Moshiach can come from Techiyas Hameisim:

1. Rashi Sanhedrin 98b (apparently allows for it)
2. Rambam (only disqualifies someone who was killed)
2. Abarbenel Sefer Yeshuos Meshicho (definitely promotes it)
3. Sefer Sidei Chemed (indicates it is preferable)

About voting for a King/Moshiach:

It is a Mitzvah Aseh for each person ‘Som tosim alecha Melech’, arguably indicating that “voting” is a valid method to appoint a King in that it constitutes each person’s fulfilment of the Mitzvah.