Reply To: Rabbeim- ditch the drink

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Rabbeim- ditch the drink Reply To: Rabbeim- ditch the drink

Shimon Nodel

Nebach, it seems no one understands the definition of ‘drunk’ in the English language or in halacha either. There is no mitzva to get “stoned drunk.” Chalila for a Yiddish to ever drink to the point of losing control. That is שכרותו של לוט. It is never ok to lose control of oneself!
The mitzva is to be ‘משתכר’ which means to be drunk. That means intoxicated. It is a mitzva to be in a state of intoxication. That’s it. If you don’t understand how a Torah Jew can be intoxicated AND responsible simultaneously while maintaining complete control of himself, then you need to go educate yourself and stop giving your input whether pro or con.

Let those who are fully able to do this mitzva properly do it without being told off or prevented in any way. And if you can’t handle alcohol, then stop pretending. אונס רחמנא פטריה